Pick out the condition which is not required for the formation of

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A transverse wave in propagating on a stretched string of mass per unit length 32 g/m. The tension on the string is 80 N. The speed of the wave over the string is

  • 5/2 m/s

  • 5/2 m/s

  • 50 m/s

  • 2/5 m/s


Consider the propagating sound (with velocity 330 m/s) in a pipe of length 1.5 m with one end closed and the other open. The frequency associated with the fundamental mode is

  • 11 Hz

  • 55 Hz

  • 110 Hz

  • 165 Hz


A standing wave propagating with velocity 300 m/s in an open pipe of length 4 m has four nodes. The frequency of the wave is

  • 75 Hz

  • 100 Hz

  • 150 Hz

  • 300 Hz


Consider the vehicle emitting sound wave of frequency 700 Hz moving towards an observer at a speed 22 m/s. Assuming the observer as well as the medium to be at rest and velocity of sound in the medium to be 330 m/s, the frequency of sound as measured by the observer is

  • 2525/4 Hz

  • 1960/3 Hz

  • 2240/3 Hz

  • 750 Hz


Which of the following statement is correct ?

  • Light waves are transverse but sound waves are waves on strings are longitudinal

  • Sound waves and waves on a string and transverse but light waves are longitudinal

  • Light waves and waves on a string are transverse but sound waves are longitudinal

  • Light waves and sound waves are transverse but waves on string are longitudinal


The phase velocity of a wave described by the equations ψ = ψ0 sin kx + ωt + π/2 is

  • x/t

  • ψ0

  • ω/k

  • π/2k


Wavelength of the wave with 30 MHz frequency is

  • 1 cm

  • 10 cm

  • 100 cm

  • 1000 cm


The apparent charige in frequency of sound due to the relative motion between the observer and the source of sound is called

  • Doppler effect

  • Phenomenon of beats

  • Phenomenon of stationary waves

  • Diffraction of sound waves



Pick out the condition which is not required for the formation of stationary waves.

  • The medium on which waves are formed should be bound medium

  • Both the waves should have same frequency

  • Both the waves should have same velocity

  • The waves should travel in same direction


The waves should travel in same direction

The waves should travel in same direction.


The harmonic mode which resonates with a closed pipe of length 22 cm, when excited by a 1875 Hz source and the number of nodes present in it respectively are (velocity of sound in air = 330 ms-1)

  • 1st, 1

  • 3rd, 1

  • 5th, 3

  • 5th, 4
