Which one of the following is the scientific name of the causal o

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following statements about meristematic tissues in plants is correct?

  • These are dead tissues and form wood

  • They provide flexibility to plant due to their thickened walls

  • These are present in the bark of a tree only

  • Growth occurs in plants due to division of cells of these tissues


Which one of the following elements is needed in the human body to transfer electrical signals by nerve cells?

  • Lithium

  • Sodium

  • Rubidium

  • Caesium


Who among the following first discovered cell?

  • Robert Brown

  • Robert Hooke

  • Leeuwenhoek

  • Rudolf Virchow


Which one of the following group of organisms forms a food chain?

  • Grass, human and fish

  • Grass, goat and human

  • Tree, tree cutter and tiger

  • Goat, cow and human


Which one of the following types of tissues will have contractile proteins?

  • Nervous tissue

  • Muscle tissue

  • Bone tissue

  • Blood tissue


If by an unknown accident the acid secreting cells of the stomach wall of an individual are damaged, digestion of which one of the following biomolecule will be affected to a greater extent?

  • Protein only

  • Lipid

  • Carbohydrate only

  • Protein and Carbohydrate


Tendons through which muscles are connected to bones are tightly compacted bundles of which one of the following long fibrous protein?

  • Fibrin

  • Collagen

  • Elastin

  • Cellulose



Which one of the following is the scientific name of the causal organism of elephantiasis?

  • Ascaris lumbricoides

  • Culex pipiens

  • Wuchereria bancrofti

  • Fasciola hepatica


Wuchereria bancrofti

Wuchereria bancrofti is a human parasitic roundworm that is the major cause of lymphatic filariasis. It is one of the three parasitic worms, together with Brugia malayi and B timori, that infect the lymphatic system to cause lymphatic filariasis.


Melanin is the natural pigment that gives colour to human skin, hair and the iris. It provides protection against:

  • Ultraviolet radiation

  • Infrared radiation

  • X-ray radiation

  • Short wave radio radiation


Intake of which one of the following food components should be minimized by patients having Gouty Arthritis due to elevated serum uric acid level?

  • Food fibres

  • Nucleic acids

  • Lipids

  • Carbohydrates
