Which one of the following gives the highest amount of hydrogen i

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following is an oxidation-reduction reaction?

  • NaOH +HCl → NaCl + H2O

  • CaO +H2O → Ca(OH)2

  • 2Mg + O→ 2MgO

  • Na2SO4 + BaCl2 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl


Which one of the following is not used as fertilizer?

  • Ammonium nitrate

  • Ammonium sulphide

  • Ammonium phosphate

  • Ammonium sulphate


Which one of the following is the chemical formula of gypsum?

  • CaSO4.2H2O

  • Ca2SiO4

  • 2CaSO4.H2O

  • CaSO4


Which one of the following statements about the law of conservation of mass is correct?

  • A given compound always contains exactly same proportion of elements.

  • When gases combine in a reaction, they do so in a simple ratio by volume, provided all gases are at room temperature.

  • Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

  • Equal volumes of all gases at same temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules.


Which one of the following greenhouse gases is in largest concentration in the atmosphere?

  • Chlorofluorocarbon

  • Nitrous oxide

  • Carbon dioxide

  • Methane


Which one of the following is not a process of chemical weathering?

  • Solution

  • Carbonation

  • Oxidation

  • Exfoliation


The accidental touch of Nettle leaves creates a burning sensation, which is due to inject of:

  • Hydrochloric acid

  • Methanoic acid

  • Citric acid

  • Sulphuric acid


Which of the following properties is true for a tooth paste?

  • It is acidic

  • It is neutral

  • It is basic

  • It is made up of Calcium phosphate, the material of tooth enamel



Which one of the following gives the highest amount of hydrogen ions (H)?

  • Sodium hydroxide solution

  • Milk of magnesia

  • Lemon juice

  • Gastric juice


Gastric juice

Gastric juice is a digestive fluid formed in the stomach and is composed of hydrochloric acid (HCI), potassium chloride (KCD) and sodium chloride (NaCl). The acid plays a key role in digestion of proteins, by activating digestive enzymes, and making ingested proteins unravel so that digestive enzymes break down the long chains of amino acids.


Brine is an aqueous solution of:

  • NaCl

  • NaOH

  • NaHCO3

  • Na2CO3
