Statement I : Abul Fazl shaped, represented and articulated the i

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Who was the author of the book 'History of British India'?

  • Charles Grant

  • John Stuart Mill

  • James Mill

  • William Jones


The Azamgarh Proclamation of August 25, 1857 stressed on which one of the following issues?

  • Hindu-Muslim divide

  • Support to the English Government

  • The return of the Badshahi

  • The imposition of heavy Jumas (revenue demand)


Which Viceroy had made the observation, "It's a beautiful world if it wasn't for Gandhi"?

  • Lord Irwin

  • Lord Wavell

  • Lord Mountbatten

  • Lord Willingdon


Which Indian businessman favoured 'healthy capitalism' in helping Gandhiji to work towards a 'common object'?

  • Ghanshyam Das Birla

  • Ambalal Sarabha

  • Sir Biren Mookerjee

  • T.T.K. Krishnamachar


The art piece "In Memoriam" was a creation of which one of the following European painters?

  • Thomas Jones Barker

  • Joseph Noel Paton

  • Thomas Deniell

  • Charles D'Oyly


Who among the following historians have described the Quit India movement as a 'spontaneous revolution'?

  • Gordon Johnson

  • David Arnold

  • F.G. Hutchins

  • Peter Robb



Statement I : Abul Fazl shaped, represented and articulated the ideas associated with the reign of Akbar.

Statement II : The qualities of Abul Fazl impressed Akbar who found the former suitable as an adviser and spokesperson for his policies.

  • Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I

  • Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is NOT the correct explanation of Statement I

  • Statement I is true but Statement II is false

  • Statement I is false but Statement II is true


Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I


Statement I : The Kisan manifesto adopted by the All India Kisan Sabha in August 1936 contained radical demands.

Statement II: The All India Kisan Sabha was a part of the Congress and maintained close relationship with the Provincial Congress Committees.

  • Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I

  • Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is NOT the correct explanation of Statement I

  • Statement I is true but Statement II is false

  • Statement I is false but Statement II is true


Statement I : The British ruled India through modern bureaucracy headed by the Indian Civil Service, whose member were recruited through merit based on open competition.

Statement II : The Indian Civil Service was based on the whole hearted participation of Indians.

  • Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I

  • Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is NOT the correct explanation of Statement I

  • Statement I is true but Statement II is false

  • Statement I is false but Statement II is true


Which one of the following crops was introduced by the Portuguese in India?

  • Opium

  • Coffee

  • Betel leaf

  • Chili
