Suppose you are standing 1 m in front of a plane mirror. What should be the minimum vertical size of the mirror so that you can see your full image in it?
0.50 m
2 m
half of your height
twice your height
Light travels slower in glass than in air because:
the refractive index of air is less than that of glass.
the refractive index of air is greater than that of glass
the density of glass is greater than that of air.
density of glass is less than that of air
The lines of force of a uniform magnetic field:
must be convergent
must be divergent.
must be parallel to each other
A Jet engine works on the principle of conservation of
linear momentum.
angular momentum
If the electrical resistance of a typical substance suddenly drops to zero, then the substance is called:
super conductor.
super conductor.
A spherical air bubble is embedded in a piece of glass. For a ray of light passing through the bubble, it behaves like a:
converging lens
diverging lens.
piano-converging lens.
plano-diverging lens.
'The stars seem to be higher on the sky than they actually are'. This can be explained by:
atmospheric refraction
dispersion of light.
total internal reflection
diffraction of light
Which one among the following is not a source of renewable energy?
Solar energy
Fuel cell
Wind energy
A liquid rises to a certain length in a capillary tube. The tube is inclined to an angle of 45°. The length of the liquid column will:
remain unchanged
irst decrease and then increase.