The points P(3, 2, 4), Q(4, 5, 2), R(6, 8. 0) and S(2, - 1, 6) ar

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A straight line with direction cosines (0,1, 0) is

  • parallel to x-axis

  • parallel to y-axis

  • parallel to z-axis

  • equally inclined to all the axes


(0, 0, 0), (a. 0, 0) (0, b, 0) and (0, 0, c) are four distinct points. What are the coordinates of the point which is equidistant from the four point ?

  • a + b + c3, a + b + c3, a + b + c3

  • (a, b, c)

  • a2, b2, c2

  • a3, b3, c3


The line passing through the points (1, 2, - 1) and ( 3, - 1, 2) meets the yz-plane at which one of the following points ?

  • 0, - 72, 52

  • 0, 72, 12

  • 0, - 72, 52

  • 0, 72, - 52


Under which one of the following conditions are the lines   x = ay + b; z = cy + d and x = ey + f; z= gy + h perpendicular?

  • ae + cg - 1 = 0

  • ae + bf - 1 = 0

  • ae + cg + 1 = 0

  • ae + ce + 1 = 0



The points P(3, 2, 4), Q(4, 5, 2), R(6, 8. 0) and S(2, - 1, 6) are

  • vertices of a rhombus which is not a square

  • non-coplanar

  • collinear

  • coplanar but not collinear



P(3, 2, 4), Q(4, 5, 2), R5, 8, 0 and S(2, - 1, 6)PQ = 14, QR = 14RS = 126 = 314, PS = 14

Therefore, All points are collinear


The angles of elevation of the top of a tower from the top and foot of a pole-are respectively 30° and 45°. If hT is the height of the tower and hP is the height of the pole, then which of the following are correct ?

1. 2hPhT3 + 3 = hP2

2 . hT - hP3 + 1 = hP2

3. 2hT + hPhP = 4 + 3

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

  • 1 and 3 only

  • 2 and 3 only

  • 1 and 2 only

  • 1, 2 and 3


The points (a, b), (0, 0), (- a, - b) and (ab, b2) are :

  • the vertices of a parallelogram

  • the vertices of a rectangle

  • the vertices of a square

  • collinear


The length of the normal from origin to the plane x + 2y - 2z = 9 is equal to :

  • 2 units

  • 3 units

  • 4 units

  • 5 units


The angle between the lines x + y - 3 = 0 and x - y + 3 = 0 is a and the acute angle between the lines  x - 3y + 23 and 3x - y + 1 = 0 is β. Which one of the following is correct ?

  • α = β

  • α > β

  • α < β

  • α = 2β


Let α = i^ +2j^ - k^, β = 2i^ +j^ +6k^ be the three vectors. If

α and β are perpendicular to the vector δ and δ. γ = 10, then what is the magnitude of δ ?

  • 3 units

  • 23 units

  • 32 units

  • 13 units
