Tuberllarians are free living
flat worms
flat worms
Tuberllaria is a Class of Phylum- Platyhelminthes. These are free living flat worms and are majorly aquatic. It consists of cilia, unsegmented body, mouth ventral, suckers absent with tango, chemo and photoreceptors, eg, Planaria.
Trematoda is a Class of Phylum- Platyhelminthes. Also known a s flukes, body is without cilia, unsegmented with suckers and hooks, eg, Fasciola etc.
Cestoda is also one of the Class of Phylum- Platyhelminthes. Commonly called tapeworms; are generally without cilia and sense organs, body is segmented, digestive system absent, eg, Taenia.
Moulting hormone is secreted by
corpora cardacum
corpora allata
neurosecretory hormone
prothoracic gland