There exists a close association between the alga and the fungus

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'Clamp connections' are observed in

  • Basidiomycetes

  • Zygomycetes

  • Ascomycetes

  • Oomycetes


Movements by pseudopodia of Amoeba are due to change in

  • pressure

  • atmosphere

  • temperature

  • viscosity


In Whittaker's system of classification prokaryotes belong to the kingdom

  • Monera

  • Protista

  • Animalia

  • Fungi


Water bloom is generally caused by

  • green algae

  • blue- green algae

  • bacteria

  • Hydrilla


A genophore is made up of 

  • a single double stranded DNA

  • a single stranded DNA

  • RNA and histones

  • histones and non- histones



There exists a close association between the alga and the fungus within a lichen. The fungus

  • fixes the atmospheric nitrogen for the alga

  • provides protection, anchorage and absorption for the alga

  • provides food for the alga

  • releases oxygen for the alga


provides protection, anchorage and absorption for the alga

Lichen is a symbiotic association between a fungus and an algae (green alga or blue green alga). The algal partner of lichen is called as phycobiont while fungal partner is termed as mycobiont. It develops into a unique morphological form which is quite distinct from either partner.

The fungal partner of lichen helps in the absorption of water and mineral to algal partner additionally it also provides protection and anchorage to algal partner of lichen. In exchange of this, the fungal partner absorbs prepared food material from algal partner. This food material is prepared by the algal partner of lichen through the process of photosynthesis.


Which one shows bio-luminescence?

  • Noctiluca

  • Polystomella

  • Entamoeba

  • Suctoria


Protists are

(i) unicellular and prokaryote

(ii) unicellular and eukaryote

(iii) multicellular and eukaryote

(iv) autotroph or heterotroph

  • (i), (ii) and (iii)

  • (ii), (iii) and (iv)

  • (iii), (iv)

  • (ii), (iv)


Which one has no intermediate host?

  • Taenia

  • Ascaris

  • Fasciola

  • Plasmodium


Litmus is obtained from

  • Rocella montagnei

  • Lasallia postulata

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • Cladonia crispata
