Select the non-degradable pollutant (s) from the followings from

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following combinations is incorrect?

  • Rio convention - Air pollution

  • Kyoto protocol - Climate change

  • Montreal protocol - Ozone depletion

  • Ramsar convention - Wetland conservation


Select the correct statement (s) pertaining to Chipko movement.

  • It was led by Sunderlal Bahuguna

  • It was a tree hugging movement

  • It commenced in the Tehri-Garhwal district.

  • It received global attention on environmental protection.



Select the non-degradable pollutant (s) from the followings

  • Plastic

  • Organochlorine pesticides

  • Heavy metals

  • Domestic sewage




Organochlorine pesticides

Pollutant is a substance that pollutes water or the atmosphere. It is classified into two types:

(i) Biodegradable pollutants are those that can be decomposed or degrades by microbes. They become a part of biogeochemical cycle and give back rapid tum over. e.g. domestic sewage, heavy metals.

(ii) Non-biodegradable pollutants are those that cannot be decomposed by· microbes and accumulate in the environment causing pollution. e.g. plastic and pesticides like organo chlorides (strong liphilic and nonbiodegradable nature).


Read the following about pollution and identify the correct matching combinations.
Column I Column II Column III
I. Chernobyl Accidental leakage Radioactive wastes
II. El nino effect Global warming Causing climatic changes
III. Chloroflurocarbons Ozone degradation Fluorine atoms released
IV. Snow blindness UV- B radiation Inflammation of cornea

  • III, II, I

  • IV, III, II

  • I, II, IV

  • I, III, IV


Water pollution is best assessed by determining

  • DO and BOD

  • BOD and turbidity

  • DO and acidity

  • Hardness and alkalinity


Tectonic is the study of

  • volcanoes

  • sand dunes

  • earthquakes

  • earth's crust


The maintenance of internal favourable conditions by a self-regulated mechanisms in spite of the fact that there are changes in environment, is known as

  • entropy

  • enthalpy

  • homeostasis

  • steady state


Minamata disease is pollution related disease. It result from

  • oil spills in sea

  • DDT pollution

  • release of industrial waste containing mercury in fishing water

  • accumulation of arsenic


Deforestation causes

  • soil erosion

  • soil pollution

  • noise pollution

  • air pollution


Ozone depletion in stratosphere would result in

  • forest fires

  • global warming

  • skin cancer incidence

  • None of the above
