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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A diagram showing axon terminal and synapse is given. Identify correctly at least two of A-D

  • A - Receptor; C - Synaptic vesicles

  • B - Synaptic connection;  D - K+

  • A - Neurotransmitter; B - Synaptic cleft

  • C - Neurotransmitter; D - Ca2+


Parts A, B, C and D of the human eyes are shown in the diagram. Select the option, which gives correct identification along with its functions/characteristics

  • A - retina - contains photoreceptors - rods and cones

  • B - blind spot - has only a few rods and cones

  • C - aqueous chamber - reflects the light, which does not pass through the lens

  • D - choroidits anterior part forms ciliary body


Which excitatory neurotransmitter is involved in the transmission of impulse at the neuromuscular junction?

  • Epinephrine

  • Serotonin

  • Acetylcholine

  • Glycine


Which area of cerebral cortex is responsible for the interpretation of speech?

  • Broca's area

  • Wernicke's area

  • Premotor area

  • Association area of sensory cortex


Proximal convoluted tubule of nephron is responsible for

  • filtration of blood

  • maintenance of glomerular filtration rate

  • selective reabsorption of glucose, amino acid, NaCl and water

  • reabsorption of salts only


Which of the following statements are true for 'Motor cortex'?

I. It is located in the frontal lobe of cerebral cortex.

II It contains pyramidal cells.

III. It is responsible for all visual functions.

IV. It is essential for our thought processes.

V. It stimulates wakefulness.

VI. It regulates voluntary muscular movements.

  • I, II, III and V

  • II, III, IV and V

  • II, IV, V and VI

  • I, II, IV and VI



Which one of the following acts solely as an inhibitory neurotransmitter?

  • Norepinephrine

  • Gamma (γ) amino butyric acid

  • Acetylcholine

  • Dopamine


Gamma (γ) amino butyric acid

γ -aminobutyric acid is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. It helps in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. In humans it is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.

Nor-epinephrine, also called nor-adrenaline is a neurotransmitter released by adrenergic nerve terminals in the oentral nervous system.

Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter produced by neurons referred to as cholinergic neurons.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a number of important roles in the human brain and body.


The bundle of axons in the central nervius system is known as

  • nerve

  • ganglion

  • tract

  • neuron


Which one of the followings is the functional unit of hearing?

  • Utricle

  • Organ of Zuckerkandl

  • Organ of Corti

  • Vestibular apparatus


Which one of the followings is not a refractive medium of the eye?

  • Lens

  • Vitreous humour

  • Aqueous humour

  • Pupil
