Assertion: An ideal solution obeys Raoult's law.Reason: In an ide

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Which of the following can be measured by the Ostwald-Walker dynamic method ?

  • Relative lowering of vapour pressure

  • Lowering of vapour pressure

  • Vapour pressure of the solvent

  • All of the above


The relationship between osmotic pressure at 273 K when 10 g glucose (P1), 10 g urea (P2) and 10 g sucrose (P3) are dissolved in 250 mL of water is

  • P1 > P2 > P3

  • P3 > P1 > P2

  • P2 > P1 > P3

  • P2 > P3 > P1


The value of Henry's constant KH is

  • greater for gases with higher solubility

  • greater for gases with lower solubility

  • constant for all gases

  • not related to the solubility of gases.


Which of the following solutions will have the highest boiling point ?

  • 0.1 M FeCl3

  • 0.1 M BaCl2

  • 0.1 M NaCl

  • 0.1 M urea


Azeotropic mixture of HCl and water has :

  • 48% HCl

  • 22.2% HCl

  • 36% HCl

  • 20.2% HCI



Assertion: An ideal solution obeys Raoult's law.

Reason: In an ideal solution, solute-solute as well as solvent-solvent interactions are similar to solute-solvent interactions.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

Ideal solution obeys Raoult's law. In an ideal solution, it takes exactly the same amount of energy for solvent molecule to break away from the surface of the solution as it did in the pure solvent. The forces of attraction between solvent and solute are exactly the same as the between solute - solvent interaction.


For a dilute solution , Raoult's law states that :

  • the lowering of vapour pressure is equal to mole fraction of solute

  • the relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to mole fraction of solute

  • the relative lowering of vapour pressure is proportional to the amount of solute in solution

  • the vapour pressure of the solution is equal to the mole fraction of solvent


A gaseous mixture contains 56 g N2 , 44 g CO2 and 16 g CH4 .The total pressure of the mixture is 720 mm Hg .What is the partial pressure of CH4 ?

  • 142 mm

  • 156 mm

  • 182 mm

  • 180 mm


Assertion : The solubility of a gas in a liquid increases with increase of pressure.

Reason : The solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


0.5 molal solution of ethylene glycol in water is used as coolant in car .If the freezing point depression constant ofwater is l.86°C per mol , the mixture will freeze at :

  • 0.93 °C

  • - 0.93 °C

  • 1.86 °C

  • - 1.86 °C
