Pick out the wrong feature about carbon resistors from Physics C

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Three identical bulbs connected in series across an accumulator consumes 20 W power. If the bulbs are connected in parallel to the same source, the power consumed is

  • 20 W

  • 60 W

  • 180 W

  • 120 W


The resistances in the four arms of a Wheatstone network in cyclic order are 5 Ω, 2 Ω, 6 Ω and 15 Ω. 1f a current of 2.8 A enters the junction of 5 Ω and 15 Ω, then the current through 2 Ω resistor is

  • 1.5 A

  • 2.8 A

  • 2.1 A

  • 1.4 A



Pick out the wrong feature about carbon resistors

  • Compact

  • Inexpensive

  • Relatively sensitive to temperature

  • Mostly used for higher resistor values


Relatively sensitive to temperature

Relatively sensitive to temperature is the wrong feature about carbon resistors.


The number of electrons per second flowing through any cross-section of the wire carrying current of 1 A is

  • 3.12 × 1016 

  • 1.6 × 1018

  • 6.25 × 1018

  • 3.12 × 1018


Identify the mismatch of the following

  • Photo diode — optical signal

  • LED — spontaneous emission

  • Diode laser — stimulated emission

  • Solar cell — electrical energy into light


The resistance of a 10 m long wire is 10 Ω. Its length is increased by 25% by stretching the wire uniformly. Then the resistance of the wire will be

  • 12.5 Ω

  • 14.5 Ω

  • 15.6 Ω

  • 16.6 Ω


If 2 A of current is passed through CuSO4 solution for 32 s, then the number of copper ions deposited at the cathode will be

  • 4 × 1020

  • 2 × 1020

  • 4 × 1019

  • 2 × 1019


In a potentiometer experiment, when three cells A, B and C are connected in series the balancing length is found to be 740 cm. If A and B are connected in series balancing length is 440 cm and for B and C connected in series that is 540 cm. Then the emf of EA, EB and Ec are espectively (in volts)

  • 1, 1.2 and 1.5

  • 1, 2 and 3

  • 1.5, 2 and 3

  • 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5


Find the true statement.

  • Ohm's law is applicable to all conductors of electricity

  • In an electrolyte solution, the electric current is mainly due to the movement of electrons.

  • The resistance of carbon decreases with the increase of temperature.

  • Specific resistance of a wire depends upon its dimension.


The tolerance level of a resistor with the colour code red, blue, orange, gold is

  • ± 5 %

  • ± 10 %

  • ± 20 %

  • ± 40 %
