A ball of mass m hits the floor with a speed v making an ang

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A boy on a cycle pedals around a circle of 20 metres radius at a speed of 20 m/s. The combined mass of the body and the cycle makes with the vertical so that it may not fall is (g = 9.8 m/s2 )

  • 60.25o

  • 63.90o

  • 26.12o

  • 30.00o


A car of mass 1000 kg moves on a circular track of radius 40 m. If the coefficient of friction is 1.28. The maximum velocity with which the car can be moved, is

  • 22.4 m/s

  • 112 m/s

  • 0.64 × 401000 × 100m/s

  • 1000 m/s


A moving body of mass m and velocity 3 km/h collides with a rest body ofmass 2 m and stick to it. Now the combined mass starts to move. What will be the combined velocity?

  • 4 km/h

  • 1 km/h

  • 2 km/h

  • 3 km/h


A block B is pushed momentarily along a horizontal surface with an initial velocity v. If is the coefficient of vlicling friction between B and the surface, block B will come to rest after a time


  • vg μ

  • g μv

  • gv

  • vg


A block slides down on an incline of angle 30° with an acceleration g/4 . Find the kinetic 4 friction coefficient.

  • 1 / 2√2

  • 0.6

  • 1 / 2√3

  • 1 / √2


A pendulum having a bob of mass m is hanging in a ship sailing along the equator form east to west. When the strip is stationary with respect to water, the tension in the string is T0, The difference between T0 and
earth attraction on the bob, is

  • mg + m ω2 R2

  • 2 R3

  • 2 R2

  • 2 R



A ball of mass m hits the floor with a speed v making an angle of incidence θ with the normal. The coefficient of restitution is e. The speed of reflected ball and the angle of reflection of the ball will be


  • v' = v, θ = θ'

  • v' = v2, θ = 2θ'

  • v' = 2v, θ = 2θ'

  • v' = 3v2, θ = 2θ'3


v' = v, θ = θ'

The coefficient of restitution is a number which indicates how much kinetic energy ( energy of motion ) remains after collision of two object.

The parallel component of velocity of the ball remains unchanged. This gives

           v' sinθ = v sinθ                   .... (i)

For the components normal to the floor, the velocity of separation = v' cosθ

Hence  v' cosθ' = e v cosθ               .....(ii)

From equations (i) and (ii)

            v' = sin2θ + e2 cos2θ

and       tanθ' = tanθe

For elastic collision, e = 1, so that 

          θ' = θ  and  v' = v


A particle slides on surface of a fixed smooth sphere starting from top most point. The angle rotated by the radius through the particle, when it leaves contact with the sphere, is

  • θ =cos-1 13

  • θ = cos-1 23

  • θ = tan-1 13

  • θ = sin-1 43


A monkey of mass 15 kg is climbing on a rope with one end fixed to the ceiling. If it wishes to go up with an acceleration 1 m/s, how much force should it apply to the rope if rope is 5 m long and the monkey starts from rest?

  • 150 N

  • > 160 N

  • 165 N

  • 150 < T ≤ 160 N


A body weighing 8 g when placed in one pan and 18 g when placed on the other pan of a false balance. If the beam is horizontal when both the pans are empty, then the true weight of the body is

  • 13 g

  • 9 g

  • 22 g

  • 12 g
