A particle of mass m is projected with velocity v making an angle

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A particle of mass m is projected with velocity v making an angle of 45° with the horizontal. When the particle lands on the level ground, the magnitude of the change in momentum is

  • 2 mv along -ve y-direction

  • 2 mv along +ve y-direction

  • 22 mv along -ve y-direction

  • 22 mv along +ve y-direction


2 mv along +ve y-direction

The situation is shown in figure

Change in momentum,

       Δp = pf − pi

            = m (vf − vi)

            = m [ (v cos 45° i − v sin 45° j) − (v cos 45° i + v sin 45° j)           p = mv2i - v2 j - v2 i + v2 j         p = mv2i - v2 j - v2 i - v2 j              = -2 mvj p = 2 mv

Which is acting along +ve y-direction


The magnitude of vectors A, B and C are 3, 4 and 5 units respectively. If A + B =C, then the angle between A and B is

  • π2

  • cos-1 0.6

  • tan-1 75

  • π4


A particle is projected upwards from the surface of the earth (of radius R) with a KE equal to half the minimum value needed for it to escape. To what height (h) does it rise above the surface of the earth

  • R

  • 2R

  • R2

  • (R)1/2


The magnitude of a vector, on the addition of two vectors 6i + 7j and 3i + 4j is

  • 132

  • 136

  • 160

  • 202


The acceleration experienced by a moving boat after its engine is cut off, is given by a = − kv3, where k is a constant. If v0 is the magnitude of velocity at cut off, then the magnitude of the velocity at time t after the cut off is

  • v02ktv02

  • v01 + 2ktv02

  • v01 - 2kv02

  • v01 + 2ktv02


A passenger train is moving at 5 ms-1 .An express train is travelling at 30 ms-1, on the same track and rear side of the passenger train at some distance. The driver in express train applied brakes to avoid collision. If the retardation due to brakes is 4 ms-2 , the time in which the accident is avoided after the application of brakes is

  • 4.25 s

  • 5.25 s

  • 6.25 s

  • 7.25 s


An aeroplane is flying horizontally with a velocity of 600 km/h and at a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically above a point A on the ground a bomb is released from it. The bomb strikes the ground at point B. The distance AB is

  • 1200 m

  • 0.33 km

  • 333.3 km

  • 3.33 km


A 10 kg object collides with stationary 5 kg object and after collision they stick together and move forward with velocity 4 ms-1. What is the velocity with which the 10 kg object hit the second one ?

  • 4 ms-1

  • 6 ms-1

  • 10 ms-1

  • 12 ms-1


A body starting from rest moves with constant acceleration. The ratio of distance covered by the body during the 5th second to that covered in 5 s is

  • 925

  • 35

  • 255

  • 125


An object is projected at an angle of 45° with the horizontal. The horizontal range and maximum height reached will be in the ratio 

  • 1 : 2

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 4

  • 4 : 1
