The value of  is from Quantitative Aptitude Simplifica

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In an examination, a student score 4 marks for every correct answer and loses 1 mark for every wrong answer. If he attempts all 75 questions and secures 125 marks, the number of questions he attempts correctly is

  • 35

  • 40

  • 42

  • 46



Find a number, one-seventh of which exceeds its eleventh part by 100.

  • 1925

  • 1825

  • 1540

  • 1340



If 9 square root of straight x space equals space square root of 12 space plus space square root of 147 comma then x = ?

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5



The value of 3 plus fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 plus begin display style fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 plus begin display style 1 third end style end fraction end style end fraction is

  • 40 over 11

  • 43 over 11

  • 46 over 11

  • 41 over 11




The value of fraction numerator left parenthesis 3.2 right parenthesis cubed minus 0.008 over denominator left parenthesis 3.2 right parenthesis squared space plus space 0.64 space plus space 0.04 end fraction is

  • 0

  • 2.994

  • 3.208

  • 3



Let 3.2 = a  and 0.2 = b
fraction numerator left parenthesis 3.2 right parenthesis cubed space minus space left parenthesis 0.2 right parenthesis cubed over denominator left parenthesis 3.2 right parenthesis squared space plus space 3.2 space cross times space 0.2 space plus space left parenthesis 0.2 right parenthesis squared end fraction
fraction numerator straight a cubed minus straight b cubed over denominator straight a squared space plus space ab space plus space straight b squared end fraction
equals space fraction numerator left parenthesis straight a minus straight b right parenthesis thin space left parenthesis straight a squared space plus space ab space plus space straight b squared right parenthesis over denominator straight a squared plus ab plus straight b squared end fraction space equals space straight a space minus space straight b
equals space 3.2 space minus space 0.2 space equals space 3



Mohan gets 3 marks for each correct sum and loses 2 marks for each wrong sum. He attempts 30 sums and obtains 40 marks. The number of sums solved correctly is

  • 25

  • 10

  • 15

  • 20



If 2 plus straight x space square root of 3 space equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 plus square root of 3 end fraction comma space then the simplest value of x is

  • 1

  • -1

  • -2

  • 2


If fraction numerator open square brackets 2 open parentheses begin display style fraction numerator 4 straight x over denominator 5 end fraction end style minus begin display style 3 over 4 end style close parentheses close square brackets over denominator 3 minus begin display style 5 over 3 end style end fraction space equals space minus 1 over 6 comma then the value of x is:

  • 4 over 15

  • negative 15 over 4

  • negative 4 over 15

  • 15 over 4


If fraction numerator 2 straight x over denominator 3 end fraction minus fraction numerator open square brackets 5 open parentheses begin display style fraction numerator 4 straight x over denominator 5 end fraction end style minus begin display style 4 over 3 end style close parentheses close square brackets over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space 1 third comma then what is the value of x?

  • 9 over 4

  • 4 over 9

  • negative 9 over 4

  • negative 4 over 9
