A train leaves station A at 5:00 am and reaches station B at 9:0

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Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 km/hr and including stoppages it is 45 km/hr. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?

  • 8

  • 10

  • 12

  • 12



A man walks from one place to another at a speed of 5 km/hr and returns to the starting place at a speed of 3 km/hr. His average speed for the whole journey is

  • 4.5 km/hr

  • 4 km/hr

  • 4.25 km/hr

  • 4.25 km/hr



If Mohan goes to his office from his house at a speed of 16 km/hr, he reaches the office 5 minutes late. If he goes at a speed of 20 km/hr, he reaches 10 minutes earlier than the office time. The distance of his office from his house is

  • 22 km

  • 20 km

  • 18 km

  • 16 km



Two persons ride towards each other from two places 55km apart, one riding at 12 km/h and the other at 10 km/h. When will they be 11 km apart?

  • 2h and 30 min

  • 1h and 30 min

  • 2h

  • 2h



A train 150 m long passes a telegraphic post in 12 seconds. Find the speed of the train.

  • 50 km/h

  • 12.5 km/h

  • 25 km/h

  • 25 km/h




A train leaves station A at 5:00 am and reaches station B at 9:00 am on the same day. Another train leaves station B at 7:00 am and reaches station A at 10:30 am on the same day. The time at which the two trains cross one another is

  • 8:00 am

  • 8:26 am

  • 7:56 am

  • 7:56 am


7:56 am

Time taken by first train from station A to B = 4 h
and time taken by second train from station B to A = 3 1 half straight h
Speed of first train  = straight D over 4 comma  Speed of second train = fraction numerator 2 straight D over denominator 7 end fraction
Let train first and second meet after t  h.
Distance  = Speed x Time taken to meet each other.
              straight D space equals space straight D over straight y cross times straight t plus fraction numerator 2 straight D over denominator 7 end fraction cross times left parenthesis straight t minus 2 right parenthesis space equals space Dt over 4 plus fraction numerator 2 Dt minus 4 straight D over denominator 7 end fraction
                                        [∵ Second train start after 2 h]
                straight D space equals space Dt over 4 plus fraction numerator 2 Dt over denominator 7 end fraction minus fraction numerator 4 straight D over denominator 7 end fraction
straight D space space equals space straight D open square brackets fraction numerator 7 straight t plus 8 straight t minus 16 over denominator 28 end fraction close square brackets
rightwards double arrow            28 = 15t - 16
                 44 = 15t,  straight t equals 44 over 15 equals space space 2 space straight h space and space 56 space min
therefore  Required time  = (5+2) + 56 min = 7:56 am



The speed of a boat in still water is 6km/hr and the speed of the stream is 1.5 km/h. A man rows to a place at a distance of 22.5 km and comes back to the starting point. The total time taken by him is

  • 10 h

  • 4 h 10 min

  • 6h 10 min

  • 8 h



A gun is fired at a distance of 1.34 km from Geeta. She hears the sound after 4 s. The speed at which sound travels is

  • 335 m/s

  • 330 m/s

  • 300 m/s

  • 300 m/s



If I walk at 5km/h, I miss a train by 7 min. However, if I walk at 6 km/h I reach the station 5 min before the departure of the train. The distance between my house and the station is

  • 6.5 km

  • 7 km

  • 6 km

  • 6 km



A gun is fired at a distance of 6.64 km away from Ram, He hears the sound 20 seconds later. Then the speed of sound is

  • 664 m/sec

  • 664 km/sec

  • 332 m/sec

  • 332 m/sec

