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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development is characterised by abstract logic and mature moral reasoning?

  • Sensorimotor stage

  • Pre-operational stage

  • Formal operational stage

  • Concrete operational stage


"Sensation is a gateway of knowledge." This statement is

  • Mental Development

  • Physical Development

  • Attention Development

  • Language Development


In a constructivist classroom as envisioned by Piaget and Vygotsky, learning

  • is dictated by the teacher and the students are passive recipients of the same

  • happens by pairing of a stimulus and a response

  • is offering of reinforcement by the teacher

  • is constructed by the students themselves who play an active role


According to Piaget, which one of the following factors plays an important role in influencing development?

  • Experience with the physical world

  • Imitation

  • Reinforcement

  • Language


The cognitive ability that comes in pre-operational period is

  • ability of goal-directed behaviour

  • ability to take other's perspective

  • hypothetico-deductive thinking

  • ability for abstract thinking


Which one of the following is a correctly matched pair?

  • Good boy and good girl orientation-One earns approval by being nice

  • Law and order orientation-Ethical principles are self-chosen on the basis of the value of human rights

  • Social contract orientation-Physical consequences of an action determine whether it is good or bad

  • Punishment and obedience orientation-Laws are not fixed, but can be changed for the good of society


The concept of 'private speech' of children as proposed by Vygotsky

  • shows that children love themselves

  • illustrates that children use speech to guide their own actions

  • shows that children are stupid and thus need guidance of adults

  • illustrates that children are egocentric


According to Vygotsky, learning cannot be separated from

  • reinforcement

  • a measurable change in behaviour

  • perception and attentional processes

  • its social context


Which of the following statements is correct about Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

  • Piaget has proposed five distinct stages of cognitive development

  • Piaget argues that instead of progressing through stages, cognitive development is continuous

  • The stages are invariant which means that no stage can be skipped

  • The sequence of the stages can vary according to the cultural context of children


The concept of conservation as proposed by Jean Piaget means that

  • certain physical properties remain the same even when outward appearances change

  • it is important to protect wildlife and forests

  • one can arrive at the correct conclusion by systematically testing hypothesis

  • taking the perspective of others into consideration is an important cognitive ability
