Which one of the following pair is least likely to be a correct m

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The acceptable sound combinations of a language are specified in its ________rules.

  • grammatical

  • syntactic

  • inflection

  • phonological


The position where thought patterns are influenced by language is called

  • linguistic determination

  • cognitive bias

  • sociolinguistic genesis

  • cultural tendency


Between months of age, most children begin to combine words into short sentences while speaking.

  • 18 and 24

  • 24 and 30

  • 30 and 36

  • 12 and 18


In speech, the smallest unit of meaning is

  • morpheme

  • syllable

  • phoneme

  • words



Which one of the following pair is least likely to be a correct match?

  • Children enter in the world with certain knowledge about language- Chomsky

  • Language and thought are initially two different activities - Vygotsky

  • Language is contingent on thought- Piaget

  • Language is a stimuli in environment- B F Skinner


Language is a stimuli in environment- B F Skinner

B.F. Skinner is the best-known behaviourist who posited that children are conditioned by their environment to respond to certain stimuli with language. When children speak the language of their parents they are rewarded and become more skillful. They grow in their ability to respond in a manner that responds to the environmental stimuli given by their parents.


'Thought not only determines language but also precedes it'. was an idea put forward by

  • Vygotsky

  • Jean Piaget

  • Pavlov

  • Kohlberg


Do children acquire language because they are genetically predisposed to do so or because parents intensively teach them from an early age?

This question essentially highlights

  • whether development is a continuous process or discontinuous one?

  • the influence of cognition on development of language

  • the nature-nurture debate

  • the discussion on development as a multi-factor ability


Which behaviourist considers that language is acquired like other behaviours through operant conditioning?

  • Watson

  • Skinner

  • Guthrie

  • Thorndike


Language _______ thought processes.

  • totally governs our

  • has an influence on our

  • cannot determine the

  • does not influence the


Which of the following statements describes Piaget's and Vygotsky's views on language and thought correctly?

  • According to Piaget, thought emerges first and according to Vygotsky, language has a profound effect on thought

  • According to Vygotsky, thought emerges first and according to Piaget, language has a profound effect on thought 

  • Both view thought as emerging from the child's language

  • Both view language as emerging from the child's thought
