Important Questions of Vocabulary English Language | Zigya

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Point out the active voice of the following sentence.

This notice has been altered.

  • The alteration has been made in this notice by someone

  • Someone has altered this notice

  • Already the notice has been altered

  • The notice had been altered previously


FiII in the blank with an appropriate choice.

If you make a promise, you must be sure to _______ it.

  • accomplish

  • keep

  • follow

  • succeed


Choose the incorrect part of the sentence given below

One of Mohan's ambitions (1)/ in life were to visit (2)/ all the historic places (3)/ in the country. (4)

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Transform the following sentence by using 'too'. Choose the correct alternative given below.

She is over anxious for the safety of her son.

  • She is too anxious that she wants the safety of her son

  • She is too anxious for the safety of her son

  • She is too anxious that her son may be safe

  • She is too anxious so that her son might be safe


Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

She has been living ________ this city ________ ten years.

  • for, to

  • in, for

  • to, for

  • on, to


Choose the opposite of the word


  • Conceal

  • Chew

  • Review

  • Gobble


Point out he correctly spelt word

  • Hamorrage

  • Haemorrhage

  • Hammerage

  • Hammarage


Point out the meaning of the following proverb.

Every cloud had a silver lining.

  • Clouds are never without a silver lining

  • There is a positive side to every unpleasant situation

  • There is no hope in an unpleasant situation

  • Clouds always have white lines in them


Point out the word which can be substituted for the given sentence.

The act of killing one's wife.

  • Genocide

  • Uxoricide

  • Canicide

  • Avicide


Point out the portion having a mistake.

  1. The poors
  2. Are always helped
  3. By them
  4. Who are kind and generous

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D
