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The remainder obtained when 496 is divided by 6 is

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6


356 + 617 - 213 -112 = ?

  • 617

  • 6121

  • 6528

  • 6114


5 + 15 + 15 + 15 + ...

  • 112

  • 29 +12

  • 13 + 12

  • 29 + 52


What will come in place of question mark (?)

17.28 ÷ ?3.6 × 0.2 = 2

  • 120

  • 1.2

  • 12

  • 0.12


The expression x2 - 2xy + y- x + y has one
factor which is

  • x - y = 1

  • x + y = 1

  • x - y - 1

  • x + y + 1


Under the topic, "Use of exponents to express
small numbers in standard form", the following facts are stated
A. the speed of light is 300000000 m/s.
B. the height of the Mount Everest is 8848m.
C. the diameter of a wire on a computer chip is 0.000003m.
D. the size of a plant cell is 0.00001275m.

The above examples are used to express each stated number in standard form. Use aof such examples

  • is made in class to grab the attention of students
    more interested in Science

  • helps the teacher to identify the bright students

  • shows the accuracy aspect of numbers

  • reflects the inter-disciplinary approach


A student writes 10 cm12 cm = 56cm

15 cm15 m = 1000m. This student

  • can reduce fractions to lowest term correctly and can write the units properly

  • has concept of units, conversion of units, fractions but missed the concept that ratio does not have units

  • always commits clerical error of writing unit with ratio

  • has clear concept of units and their conversion


A fraction is equivalent to 58. Its denominator 8 and numerator add upto 91. What is the difference between the denominator and numerator of this fraction ?

  • 19

  • 21

  • 3

  • 13



Salman solve - 3 - 4 = 7. The error is committed as

  • Salman needs to practice solving problems of similar type

  • Salman has not understood the concept of multiplication of integers

  • Salman is careless

  • Salman is not clear about the concept of addition of integer


Salman is not clear about the concept of addition of integer

Salman is not clear about the concept of addition of integers.


If(x - 2) is a factor of x3 + ax2 + bx + 16 and b = 4a, then respective values of a and b are respectively

  • 2, - 8

  • - 2, 8

  • - 2, - 8

  • 2, 8
