Which of the following assessment strategies can be used to asses

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According to Jean Piaget's theory


  • exposure to linear equation, techniques of solving
    it and pair of linear equations are assimilation

  • introduction of linear equation and learning techniques of solving it are assimilation, and extending the concept to pair of linear equations may raise problem of accommodation 

  • introduction of linear equation and learning techniques of solving it are assimilation, and extending the concept to pair of linear equations may raise problem of accommodation

  • introduction of pair of linear equations and
    techniques of solving it are assimilation and connecting it to basics of linear equation is accommodation


If the cost price of 10 candles is equal to the selling price of 8 candles, the gain/loss

  • 20%, gain

  • 25%, loss

  • 25%, gain

  • 20%, loss


The father's age is 6 times his son's age. 4yr hence, the age of the father will be four times his son's age. The present ages in years of the son and father are, respectively

  • 4 and 24

  • 4 and 24

  • 6 and 36

  • 3 and 24


The value of, x if 5x32xx + 3 = 50 is

  • - 1

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3


According to Piaget, when the child is at formal operational stage, it is appropriate to introduce

  • numbers

  • geometry

  • ratio and proportion

  • data handling


Inductive method of teaching Mathematics we proceed from

  • Abstract to concrete

  • General to specific

  • Known to unknown

  • Unknown to known



Which of the following assessment strategies can be used to assess learner's interest in and attitude to Mathematics?

  • Checklist, Portfolio, Paper-pencil test

  • Oral test, Paper-pencil test, Class participation

  • Checklist, Portfolio, Project, Class participation

  • Portfolio, Project, Paper-pencil test


Checklist, Portfolio, Project, Class participation

Assessment plays a very important role which are generally based on Portfolios, Projects, class participation and checklist. Portfolios is a method in which some student's mathematical work is gathered to be graded by the teacher or an outsider. Quality of portfolio depends upon the quality of projects or assignments done by the students and quality of students improve only when the class participation in any activity is maximum


A good Mathematics textbook contains a lot of

  • questions for practice

  • questions for exploration

  • worked out,examples

  • theorems and proofs


Which one of the following statements is not true about projects in Mathematics?

  • They enhance problem-solving skills

  • They establish interdisciplinary linkages

  • They make scoring easy in Mathematics

  • They promote inquiry skills


In which of the following practice teaching does not helps ?

  • To increase learning transfer

  • To increase understanding solution of the problem

  • To develop efficiency use of theoretical knowledge

  • To work quickly of any problem
