Which one of the following types of plate boundaries and motions

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The concept of geosyncline was propunded by :

  • Holmes

  • James Hutton

  • Hall and Dana

  • J.W. Powell


Gutenberg Discontinuity is found between the :

  • Crust and mantle

  • Mantle and core

  • Upper core and Lower core

  • Upper mantle and lower mantle


The concept of panplain was propagated by :

  • C.A.Cotton

  • Von Richtofen

  • Crickmay

  • Alfed Von Wegener


The direction of a horizontal line on an inclined rock strata is termed as :

  • Strike

  • Dip

  • Anticline

  • Free face


Paternoster lakes are :

  • Lakes formed on glacial stairways

  • Lakes having volcanic origin

  • Lakes formed by shallow stretch of water caused by sea erosion

  • Cresent shaped lakes are formed due to cut-off of a river meander


"The present is the key to the past." This phrase is related to the concept of :

  • Isostasy

  • Diatrophism

  • Plate Tectonics

  • Uniformitarianism



Which one of the following types of plate boundaries and motions are exemplified by the San Andreas Fault of California ?

  • Transform boundary with Sinistral motion

  • Transform boundary with dextral motion 

  • Divergent boundary with sinistral motion

  • Convergent boundary with dextral motion


Transform boundary with dextral motion 

The Sans Andreas Fault is a continental transform boundary extending about 1200 km through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American plate . It is classified as a right lateral (dextral) strike-slip fault.


In which of the following directions the Nazca Plate is moving ?

  • East

  • West

  • South

  • North


Wbich one of the following phenomena plays a vital role in the dispersion of majestic dinosaurs ?

  • Volcanic eruption

  • Zonal faulting

  • Global cooling

  • Continental Drift


The Hydraulic Slope Theory was propounded by :

  • R.E. Horton

  • Darwin

  • Penck

  • Mallot
