LIST I LIST II (a) Long Term planning (i) Indicative plannin

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following objectives of Regional Planning is most iimportant ?

  • Cultivating habitability and community building

  • Conservation of forests

  • Rationalism of population distribution

  • Perfect regional mobility system


The regions developed along transportation lines or irrigation channels are called as

  • Transport regions

  • Axial regions

  • River-valley regions

  • Transitional regions


Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

  • Regions are mental concepts formulated to arrange earth features in some abstract order.

  • Regions could either be finite or infinite/boundless 3-dimensional extending much beyond the limits of terrestrial sphere.

  • The regional concept is a device to comprehend likenesses and differences on the earth surface.

  • A region has some kind of internal homogeneity which distinguishes it from the neighbouring areas.


'Regions are good servants but bad masters' was stated by

  • C.C. Carter

  • A.J. Herbertson

  • O.H.K. Spate

  • Vidal de la Blache


ASSERTION (A) : Regional disparities tend to reduce over time in a competitive free market economy.

REASON (R) : The factors of production move from one rgeion to another to maximize their rate of returns.

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  • Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

  • (A) is true , but (R) is false.

  • (A) is false , but (R) is true.


(a) Long Term planning (i) Indicative planning
(b) Public sector planning (ii) Spatial planning
(c) Private sector plannnig (iii) Imperative planning
(d) Town planning (iv) Perspective planning
  • a-iii , b-iv , c-ii , d-i

  • a-ii , b-iv , c-i , d-iii

  • a-ii , b-ii , c-iii , d-i

  • a-iv , b-iii , c-ii , d-i


a-iii , b-iv , c-ii , d-i


ASSERTION (A) : Regions , in fact , do change over time , they change in response to changing relationships of the spatial elements.

REASON (R) : Planned intervention certainly proves to be of rapid momentum within the frame of socio-economic activities.

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  • Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

  • (A) is correct , but (R) is wrong.

  • (A) is wrong , but (R) is right.


In which Five Year Plan , balanced regional development was emphasized as one of the major objectives of the planning exercise and was one full chapter in the plan document ?

  • Second plan

  •  Third plan

  • Fourth plan

  •  Fifth plan


The city region is an example of 

  • Formal region

  • Functional region

  • Compage region

  • Adhoc region


ASSERTION (A) : The task of preparing a reasonably sound district plan has not made much headway in the States.

REASON (R) : There is a lack of effective co-ordination at the district level between various agencies involved in planning exercises.

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  • Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

  • (A) is correct , but (R) is wrong.

  • (A) is wrong , but (R) is correct.
