Which element among the following does not form diatomic molecules? | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Identify a metalloid from the following list of elements.

  • Carbon

  • Neon

  • Sodium

  • Tellurium


Identify the weakest oxidising agent among the following.

  • Li+

  • Na+

  • Cd+

  • I2


Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect for pair of elements Zr-Hf?

  • Both possess same number of valence electrons

  • Both have identical sizes

  • Both have almost identical radii

  • Both of these belong to same period of periodic table



Which element among the following does not form diatomic molecules?

  • Argon

  • Oxygen

  • Nitrogen

  • Bromine



Noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn) does not form diatomic molecules. Due to presence of completely filled valence shell, these gases are highly stable.


Which of the following is covalent?

  • NaCl

  • KCl

  • BeCl

  • MgCl2


Choose the wrong statement from the following 

  • The 'silver' UK coins are made of Ag/ Ni alloy 

  • TiO2 is used in the pigment industry

  • MnO2 is used in the dry battery cells

  • V2O5 catalyses the oxidation of SO2 in the manufacture of sulphuric acid


The correct discending order of oxidising power of the following is

  • Cr2O72- > MnO4- > VO2+

  • MnO4- > Cr2O72- > VO2+

  • VO2+ > MnO4- > Cr2O72-

  • MnO4- > VO2+ > Cr2O72-


The number of electrons that are involved in the reduction of permanganate to manganese (II) salt, manganate and manganese dioxide respectively are

  • 5, 1, 3

  • 5, 3, 1

  • 2, 7, 1

  • 5, 2, 3


The ionisation enthalpy of He+ ion is 19.60 10-18 J atom-1. The ionisation enthalpy of Li2+ ion will be

  • 84.2 × 10-18 J atom-1

  • 44.10 × 10-18 J atom-1

  • 63.20 × 10-18 J atom-1

  • 21.20 × 10-18 J atom-1


Among the elements B, Mg, Al and K the correct order of increasing metallic character is

  • B < Al < Mg < K

  • B < Mg < Al < K

  • Mg < B < Al < K

  • Mg < Al < B < K
