Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on a table. Box A contains one mole of nitrogen at temperature T0, while Box B contains one mole of helium at temperature (7/3) T0. The boxes are then put into thermal contact with each other and heat flows between them until the gases reach a common final temperature. (Ignore the heat capacity of boxes). Then, the final temperature of the gases, Tf, in terms of T0 is | Thermal Properties of Matter

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An external pressure P is applied on a cube at 0°C so that it is equally compressed from all sides.K is the bulk modulus of the material of the cube and α is its coefficient of linear expansion. Suppose we want to bring the cube to its original size by heating. The temperature should be raised by

  • 3α/PK

  • 3PKα

  • P/3αK

  • P/3αK



A long metallic bar is carrying heat from one of its ends to the other end under steady-state. The variation of temperature θ along the length x of the bar from its hot end is best described by which of the following figure. 



One end of a thermally insulated rod is kept at a temperature T1 and the other at T2. The rod is composed of two sections of lengths

  • (k2

  • (k2

  • (k1

  • (k1



If Cp and Cv denote the specific heats of nitrogen per unit mass at constant pressure and constant volume respectively, then

  • Cp – Cv = R/28

  • Cp −Cv = R/14

  • Cp −Cv = R

  • Cp −Cv = R



Assuming the sun to be a spherical body of radius R at a temperature of T K, evaluate the total radiant power, incident on Earth, at a distance r from the Sun.

where r0 is the radius of the Earth and σ is Stefan’s constant

  • fraction numerator straight R squared σT to the power of 4 over denominator straight r squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator 4 πr subscript 0 superscript 2 straight R squared σT to the power of 4 over denominator straight r squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator πr subscript 0 superscript 2 straight R squared σT to the power of 4 over denominator straight r squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator πr subscript 0 superscript 2 straight R squared σT to the power of 4 over denominator straight r squared end fraction



Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on a table. Box A contains one mole of nitrogen at temperature T0, while Box B contains one mole of helium at temperature (7/3) T0. The boxes are then put into thermal contact with each other and heat flows between them until the gases reach a common final temperature. (Ignore the heat capacity of boxes). Then, the final temperature of the gases, Tf, in terms of T0 is

  • straight T subscript straight f space equals space 5 over 2 straight T subscript 0
  • straight T subscript straight f space equals space 3 over 7 straight T subscript 0
  • straight T subscript straight f space equals space 7 over 3 straight T subscript 0
  • straight T subscript straight f space equals space 7 over 3 straight T subscript 0


straight T subscript straight f space equals space 7 over 3 straight T subscript 0
increment straight U space equals space 0
rightwards double arrow 3 over 2 straight R left parenthesis straight T subscript straight f minus straight T subscript 0 right parenthesis space plus space 1 space straight x space 5 over 2 space straight R space left parenthesis straight T subscript straight f minus 7 over 3 straight T subscript 0 right parenthesis equals 0
straight T subscript straight f space equals space 3 over 2 straight T subscript 0


The figure shows a system of two concentric spheres of radii r1 and r2 and kept at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. The radial rate of flow of heat in a substance between the two concentric sphere is proportional to

  • fraction numerator straight r subscript 2 minus straight r subscript 1 over denominator straight r subscript 1 straight r subscript 2 end fraction
  • ln space open parentheses straight r subscript 2 over straight r subscript 1 close parentheses
  • fraction numerator straight r subscript 1 straight r subscript 2 over denominator straight r subscript 2 minus straight r subscript 1 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight r subscript 1 straight r subscript 2 over denominator straight r subscript 2 minus straight r subscript 1 end fraction


A heater coil is cut into two equal parts and only one part is now used in the heater. The heat generated will now be

  • doubled

  • four times

  • one fourth

  • one fourth



If the temperature of the sun were to increase from T to 2T and its radius from R to 2R, then the ratio of the radiant energy received on earth to what it was previously will be

  • 4

  • 16

  • 32

  • 32



A radiation of energy E falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to the surface is

  • E/c

  • 2E/c

  • Ec
  • Ec
