Engineering Entrance Exam Question and Answers | Waves - Zigya

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If a closed organ pipe of length L1 in its fundamental mode resonates with an open organ pipe of length L2 then L1 : L2 is

  • 1 : 2

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 4

  • 4 : 1


The physical quantity that remains unchanged when a sound wave goes from one medium to another is

  • amplitude

  • speed

  • wavelength

  • frequency


The beat frequency observed when two sound waves y1 = 0.5 sin (410 t) and y= 0.5 sin ( 454 t) travel in the same direction is

  • 5

  • 3

  • 7

  • 2


Tube A has both ends open while tube B has one end closed. Otherwise they are identical. Their fundamental frequencies are in the ratio

  • 4 : 1

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 4

  • 1 : 2


The speed of sound in a gas of density ρ at a pressure p is proportional to

  • pρ2

  • pρ3/2

  • ρp

  • pρ


A tuning fork of frequency 330 Hz resonates with an air column of length 120 cm in a cylindrical tube, in the fundamental mode. When water is slowly poured in it, the minimum height of water required for observing resonance once again is (Velocity of sound 330 ms-1)

  • 75 cm

  • 60 cm

  • 45 cm

  • 30 cm


If the frequency of human heart beat is 1.25 Hz, the number of heart beats in 1 min is

  • 80

  • 65

  • 90

  • 75


Velocity of sound in air is 320 ms-1. A pipe closed at one end has a length of 1 m. Neglecting end correction, the air column in the pipe cannot resonate with sound of frequency

  • 80 Hz

  • 240 Hz

  • 320 Hz

  • 400 Hz


A whistle is blown from the tower of a factory with a frequency of 220 Hz. The apparent frequency of sound heard by a worker moving towards the factory with a velocity of 30 ms-1 is (velocity of sound = 330 ms-1)

  • 280 Hz

  • 200 Hz

  • 300 Hz

  • 240 Hz


In a sinusoidal wave, the time required for a particular point to move from maximum displacement to zero displacement is 0.14 s. The frequencv of the wave is

  • 0.42 Hz

  • 2.75 Hz

  • 1.79 Hz

  • 0.56 Hz
