The apparent frequency observed by a moving observer away from a stationary source is 20% less than the actual frequency. If the velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1, then the velocity of the observer is | Waves

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The apparent frequency observed by a moving observer away from a stationary source is 20% less than the actual frequency. If the velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1, then the velocity of the observer is

  • 660 ms-1

  • 330 ms-1

  • 66 ms-1

  • 33 ms-1


66 ms-1

Given, n' = 80100 × n           vs = 0, v = 330 ms-1We know that,                   n' = v - vlv - vs n 80100 × n = 330 - vl330 - 0 n         80100 = 330 - vl33080 × 330100 = 330 . vl           2 vl = 330 - 8 × 33              vl = 330 - 264Velocity of the observer,    vl = 66 ms-1


A string under tension of 129.6 N produces 10 beats/second, when it vibrates along with a tuning fork. When the tension in the string is increased to 160 N, it vibtrates in unison with the tuning fork. Then, frequency of the tuning fork is

  • 100 Hz

  • 110 Hz

  • 90 Hz

  • 220 Hz


The ionospheric layer acts as a reflector for the frequency range

  • 1 kHz to 10 kHz

  • 3 to 30 MHz

  • 3 to 30 kHz

  • 100 kHz to 1 MHz


Two travelling waves, y1 = A sin [k(x + ct)] and y2 = A sin [k(x- ct)] are superposed on a string. The distance between adjacent antinodes is

  • ctπ

  • ct2π

  • πk

  • kπ


If a stretched wire is vibrating in the second overtone, then the number of nodes and antinodes between the ends of the string are respectively

  • 2 and 2

  • 1 and 2

  • 3 and 4

  • 2 and 3


Pick out the correct statement in the following with reference to stationary wave pattern

  • In a tube closed at one end, all the harmonics are present

  • In a tube open at one end, only even harmonics are present

  • The distance between successive nodes is equal to the wavelength

  • In a stretched string, the first overtone is the same as the second harmonic


The bulk modulus of a liquid of density 8000 kgm-3 is 2 x 109 Nm-2. The speed of sound in that liquid is (in ms-1)

  • 200

  • 250

  • 500

  • 350


The vibrations of a string of length 60 cm fixed at both the ends are represented by the equation y = 2 sin 4πx15 cos 96πt, where x and y are in cm. The maximum number of loops that can be formed in it, is

  • 6

  • 16

  • 5

  • 15


The pressure variations in the propagation of sound waves are

  • isobaric

  • isochoric

  • isobaric and isochoric

  • adiabatic


A signal of 5 kHz frequency modulates a carrier of frequency 1 MHz and peak voltage 25 V. If the amplitude at the sidebands of the amplitude modulated signal is 5 V, then the modulation index is

  • 0.8

  • 0.6

  • 0.4

  • 0.2
