If vm is the velocity of sound in moist air, vd is the velocity of sound in dry air, under identical conditions of pressure and temperature. | Waves

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A person carrying a whistle emitting continuously a note of 272 Hz is running towards a reflecting surface with a speed of 18 km/h. The speed of sound in air is 345 ms-1. The number of beats heard by him is

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 3


The equation of a transverse wave travelling along positive X-axis with amplitude 0.2 m, velocity 360 m/sec and wavelength 60 m can be written as

  • y = 0.2 sin π 6t + x60

  • y = 0.2 sin π 6t - x60

  • y = 0.2 sin 2π 6t - x60

  • y = 0.2 sin 2π 6t + x60



If vm is the velocity of sound in moist air, vd is the velocity of sound in dry air, under identical conditions of pressure and temperature.

  • vm < vd

  • vm > vd

  • vmvd = 1

  • vm = vd


vm > vd

From the relation,

vm = γPρ

where, P = pressure of the gas

           ρ = density of the gas

Since, density of moist air is less than that of dry air.

i.e,           ρm < ρd

Therefore,  vm > vd


If T is the reverberation time of an auditorium ofvolume V, then

  • T ∝ V2

  • T ∝ V

  • T  1V

  • T  1V2


Two wires are fixed in a sonometer. Their tensions are in the ratio 8 : 1. The lengths are in the ratio 36 :35. The diameters are in the ratio 4 : 1. Densities of the materials are in the ratio 1 :2. If the higher frequency in the setting is 360 Hz, the beat frequency when the two wires are sounded together, is

  • 8

  • 5

  • 10

  • 6


A sound source is moving towards stationary listener with 110th of the speed of sound. The ratio of apparent to real frequency is

  • 9102

  • 109

  • 1110

  • 11102


If v is the speed of sound in air, then the shortest length of the closed pipe which resonates to a frequency n, is

  • v2n

  • v4n

  • 4nv

  • 2nv


Cavitation is a special application property exhibited only by

  • ultrasonics

  • electromagnetic waves

  • audible sound

  • infrasonics


Waves that cannot be polarised are

  • electromagnetic waves

  • light waves

  • longitudinal waves

  • transverse waves


The difference between the apparent frequency of a source of sound as perceived by the observer during its approach and recession is 2% of the frequency of the source. If the speed of sound in air is 300 ms-1, the velocity of the source is

  • 1.5 ms-1

  • 12 ms-1

  • 6 ms-1

  • 3 ms-1
