In a radioactive disintegration, the ratio of initial number of atoms to the number of atoms present at an instant of time equal to its mean life is | Nuclei

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The volume of a nucleus is directly proportional to

  • A

  • A3

  • A

  • A1/3


An electron is

  • a hadron

  • a baryon

  • a nucleon

  • a lepton


Two protons are kept at a separation of 40 A. Fn is the nuclear force and Fe is the electrostatic force between them. Then

  • Fn >> Fe

  • Fn = Fe

  • Fn << Fe

  • Fn ≈ Fe


The ratio of the nuclear radii of elements with mass numbers 216 and 125 is

  • 216 : 125

  • 216 : 125

  • 6 : 5

  • None of these


On bombarding U235 by slow neutron, 200 MeV energy is released. If the power output of atomic reactor is 1.6 MW, then the rate of fission will be

  • 5 × 1022/s

  • 5 × 1016/s

  • 8 × 1016/s

  • 20 ×1016/s


The masses of two radioactive substances are same and their half-lives are 1 yr and 2 yr respectively. The ratio of their activities after 4 yr will be

  • 1 : 4

  • 1 : 2

  • 1 : 3

  • 1 : 6


92U235 undergoes successive disintegrations with the end product of 82Pb203. The number of α and β particles emitted are

  • α = 6, β = 4

  • α = 6, β = 0

  • α = 8, β = 6

  • α = 3, β = 3


The most stable particle in Baryon group is

  • neutron

  • omega-particle

  • proton

  • lambda-particle



In a radioactive disintegration, the ratio of initial number of atoms to the number of atoms present at an instant of time equal to its mean life is

  • 1e2

  • 1e

  • e

  • e2



Let the initial number of atoms at time t = 0 be N0.

Let N be the number of atoms at any instant t.

Mean life ζ = 1λ, where λ is disintegration constant.

Given, t = ζ

According to radioactive disintegration law,

       N = N0e-λtor    N = N0e-λ×1λ = N0eor N0N = e


β- decay means emission of electron from

  • innermost electron orbit

  • a stable nucleus

  • outermost electron orbit

  • radioactive nucleus
