In n-type semiconductor, electrons are majority charge carriers but it does not show any negative charge. The reason is | Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits

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The output of given logic circuit is


  • A . (B + C)

  • A . (B . C)

  • (A + B) . (A + C)

  • A + B + C


Copper and Germanium are cooled from room temperature to 100 K. Then, the resistance of

  • germanium increases, copper increases

  • germanium decreases, copper increases

  • germanium decreases, copper decreases

  • germanium increases, copper decreases


For a transistor, β = 100. The value of α is

  • 0.01

  • 1.01

  • 0.99

  • 100


The following truth table with A and B as inputs is for ....... gate


  • NOR

  • AND

  • OR

  • XOR


In which of the following statements, the obtained impure semiconductor is of p-type ?

  • Germanum is doped with bismuth

  • Silicon is doped with antimony

  • Germanium is doped with gallium

  • Silicon is doped with phosphorus


The width of the depletion region in a p-n junction diode is

  • increased by reverse bias

  • increased by forward bias

  • decreased by reverse bias

  • independent of the bias voltage


When the transistor is used as an amplifier

  • Emitter-base junction must be reverse biased, Collector-base junction must be forward

  • Emitter-base junction must be forward biased, Collector-base Junction must be forward biased

  • Emitter-base junction must be reverse biased, Collector-base junction must be reverse biased

  • Emitter-base junction must be forward biased, Collector-base junction must be reverse biased


The output of an OR gate is connected to both the inputs of a NAND gate. The combination will serve as

  • AND gate

  • NOT gate

  • NAND gate

  • NOR gate



In n-type semiconductor, electrons are majority charge carriers but it does not show any negative charge. The reason is

  • electrons are stationary

  • electrons neutralize with holes

  • mobility of electrons is extremely small

  • atom is electrically neutral


atom is electrically neutral

The n-type semiconductor region has (negative) electrons as majority charge-carriers and an equal number of fixed positively-charged donor ions. Again, the material as a whole is neutral. That is a reason, atom is electrically neutral.


For the given digital circuit, write the truth table and identify the logic gate it represents


  • OR gate

  • NOR gate

  • NAND gate

  • AND gate
