Which one of the following compounds gives trichloromethane on distilling with bleaching powder? | haloalkanes and haloarenes

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below.
List I (IUPAC name of compound) List II (common name of compound)
A. Propanone 1. Dimethyl acetylene
B. Trichloromethane 2. Methyl acetic acid
C. Propanoic acid 3. Chloroform
D. But-2-yne 4. Acetone

  • A  B  C  D

    1  2  3  4

  • A  B  C  D

    4  3  2  1

  • A  B  C  D

    3  4  1  2

  • A  B  C  D

    1  3  2  4


Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding benzyl chloride?

  • It gives white precipitate with alcoholic AgNO3

  • It is an aromatic compound with substitution in the side chain

  • It undergoes nucleophilic substitution reaction

  • It is less reactive than vinyl chloride


The order of reactivities of methyl halides in the formation of Grignard reagent is

  • CH3I > CH3Br > CH3Cl

  • CH3Cl > CH3Br > CH3I

  • CH3Br > CH3Cl > CH3I

  • CH3Br > CH3I > CH3Cl



Which one of the following compounds gives trichloromethane on distilling with bleaching powder?

  • Methanal

  • Phenol

  • Ethanol

  • Methanol



Ethanol, on reaction with bleachmg powder, gives chloroform (trichloromethane).

CaOCl2 + H2O  Ca(OH)2 + Cl2C2H5OH + Cl2  CH3CHO + 2HCl CH3CHO+ 3Cl2 CCl3·CHO + 3HCl2CCl·CHO + Ca(OH)2Chloral 2CHCl3Chlorofrom + (HCOO)2Ca


Which of the following haloalkanes is most reactive?

  • 1-chloropropane

  • 1-bromopropane

  • 2-chloropropane

  • 2-bromopropane


Grignard reagent adds to

  • >C = O

  • -C ≡ N

  • >C = S

  • All of these


Decomposition of benzene diazonium chloride by using Cu2Cl2/ HCl to form chlorobenzene is

  • Raschig's reaction

  • Sandmeyer's reaction

  • Kolbe's reaction

  • Cannizaro's reaction


In electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction, the nitro group is meta directing because it

  • decreases electron density at ortho and para positions

  • decreases electron density at meta position

  • increases electron density at meta position

  • increases electron density at ortho and para positions


Reaction of methyl bromide with aqueous sodium hydroxide involves

  • racemisation

  • SN 1 mechanism

  • retention of configuration

  • SN 2 mechanism


Identify B and D in the following sequence of reactions

  • methanol and bromoethane

  • ethyl hydrogen sulphate and alcoholic KOH

  • ethyl hydrogen sulphate and aqueous KOH

  • ethanol and alcoholic KOH
