અને  બને ત્યારે અનુક્રમે શેમાંથી ઇલેક્ટ્રૉન દૂર થાય છે ? from Chemistry રાસાયણિક બંધન અને આણ્વિય રચના

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Gujarati JEE Chemistry : રાસાયણિક બંધન અને આણ્વિય રચના

Multiple Choice Questions

151. નીચેના પૈકી કયા ઘટક પ્રતિચુંબકીય છે ?
  • O2-2

  • O2

  • O2

  • NO

152. નીચેના પૈકી કયો/કયા ઘટક પ્રતિચુંબકીય છે ?
  • C2

  • N2

  • O2

  • NO

153. નીચેના પૈકી કયો ઘટક અનુચુંબકીય નથી ?
  • NO2

  • NO

  • ClO-2

  • ClO2

154. નીચેના પૈકી કયા ઘટક અનુચુંબકીય છે ?
  • O-2

  • CN-

  • NO

  • CO

155. નીચેના પૈકી શેમાં બંધક્રમાંક 3 નથી ?
  • NO

  • N2

  • O22

  • N

156. શેમાં બંધક્રમાંક સમાન છે ?
  • NO, CN

  • O2, CN-

  • CN-, CN-

  • CN-, NO

157. નીચેના ઘટકો માટે બંધઊર્જાનો યોગ્ય ક્રમ દર્શાવો :
  • NO space greater than space NO space greater than space NO to the power of minus
  • NO space greater than space NO to the power of minus space greater than space NO
  • NO space greater than space NO to the power of minus space greater than space NO
  • NO to the power of minus space greater than space NO space greater than space NO

158. નીચેના પૈકી કયો અણુ અનુચુંબકીય છે ?
  • KO2

  • N2O

  • O2

  • Na2O2

159. straight N subscript 2 space rightwards arrow space straight N subscript 2 અને bold O subscript bold 2 bold space bold rightwards arrow bold space bold O subscript bold 2 બને ત્યારે અનુક્રમે શેમાંથી ઇલેક્ટ્રૉન દૂર થાય છે ?
  • bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અથવા bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis
  • bold left parenthesis bold pi bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અથવા bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis
  • bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અથવા bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis
  • bold left parenthesis bold sigma bold 2 bold p subscript z) અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis


bold left parenthesis bold sigma bold 2 bold p subscript z) અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis

straight N subscript 2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared છે. 

straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના 

left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis to the power of 1 છે. માટે N2 માં થી straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus બને ત્યારે (62p2) માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દુર થાય છે.

O2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis to the power of 1

O2+ ની ઈલેક્ટ્રૉન-રચના 
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz end subscript right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 0

માટે O2 માંથી O2+ બને ત્યારે left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis અથવા left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દૂર થાય છે.

straight N subscript 2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared છે. 

straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના 

left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis to the power of 1 છે. માટે N2 માં થી straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus બને ત્યારે (62p2) માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દુર થાય છે.

O2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis to the power of 1

O2+ ની ઈલેક્ટ્રૉન-રચના 
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz end subscript right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 0

માટે O2 માંથી O2+ બને ત્યારે left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis અથવા left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દૂર થાય છે.

160. નીચેના પૈકી કયો ઘટક પ્રતિચુંબકીય છે ?
  • H2

  • He2

  • H2-

  • H

