અને વચ્ચે ખુણો ..... from Physics કાયનેમેટિક્સ

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Gujarati JEE Physics : કાયનેમેટિક્સ

Multiple Choice Questions

1. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of ના મૂલ્ય અનુકમે 10 એકમ અને 20 એકમ છે. જો આ બે સદિશો વચ્ચે 30degree નો ખૂણો રચાતો હોય, તો પરિણામી સદિશ(R) નું મૂલ્ય ......... એકમ અને પરિમાણી સદિશ open parentheses bold rightwards arrow for bold R of close parentheses નો bold rightwards arrow for bold A ofસાથેનો ખૂણો ...... મળે.
(square root of bold 3 bold space bold equals bold space bold 1 bold. bold 7લો)
  • 30 એકમ, 30degree

  • 10 એકમ, 30degree

  • 29 એકમ, 30degree 30'

  • 39 એકમ, 30degree 30'

2. m દળના એક પદાર્થ પર ત્રિ પારિમાણિક અવકાશમાં bold rightwards arrow for bold F of bold space bold equals bold space bold 5 bold space bold i with bold overbrace on top bold space bold minus bold space bold 4 bold i with bold overbrace on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 2 bold k with bold overbrace on top bold space bold N બળ લાગે છે, તો આ બળ x-અક્ષ સાથે ......... ખૂણો બનાવશે.
  • Cos to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses 3 square root of 5 close parentheses
  • Cos to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator square root of 5 over denominator 3 end fraction close parentheses
  • Cos to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator 3 square root of 5 end fraction close parentheses
  • Cos to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator 3 over denominator square root of 5 end fraction close parentheses

3. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of માટે, bold vertical line bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold cross times bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold space bold vertical line એ bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold times bold rightwards arrow for bold B of કરતાં 73 % વધારે છે, તો bold rightwards arrow for bold A of અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of વચ્ચેનો ખુણો ....
  • 30degree

  • 60degree

  • 90degree

  • 0degree

4. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of નો સરવાળા સદિશ bold rightwards arrow for bold R of એ bold rightwards arrow for bold A of સાથે bold alpha કોણ અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of સાથે bold beta કોણ બનાવતો હોય, તો 
  • હંમેશાં straight alpha space greater than space straight beta 

  • જો A > B હોય, તો bold alpha bold space bold less than bold space bold beta

  • જો A < B હોય, તો bold alpha bold space bold less than bold space bold beta

  • જો A = B હોયા, તો straight alpha space greater than space straight beta

5. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold equals bold space bold 3 bold i with bold overbrace on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 4 bold j with bold overparenthesis on top bold space bold minus bold space bold 2 bold k with bold overparenthesis on top bold spaceઅને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold space bold equals bold space bold 8 bold i with bold overbrace on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 3 bold i with bold overbrace on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 6 bold k with bold overbrace on topવચ્ચે ખુણો .....
  • 60degree

  • 0degree

  • 90 degree
  • 180 degree


90 degree

6. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold equals bold space bold 5 bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 7 bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold minus bold space bold 3 bold k with bold hat on topઅને  bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 2 bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold m bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 6 bold k with bold hat on topપરસ્પર લંબ હોય, તો m = ......
  • -4

  • 4

  • 1

  • 3

7. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold equals bold space bold 2 bold space bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold minus bold space bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 3 bold space bold k with bold hat on top અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold space bold equals bold space bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 2 bold space bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold minus bold space bold k with bold hat on top હોય, તો bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold cross times bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold B of ની દિશામાંનો એકમ સદિશ ....... . 
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator square root of 3 end fraction space left parenthesis space i with hat on top space plus space j with hat on top space plus space k with hat on top space right parenthesis
  • straight i with hat on top space minus space j with hat on top space plus space k with hat on top
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator square root of 3 end fraction space left parenthesis space i with hat on top space plus space j with hat on top space plus space k with hat on top space right parenthesis
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator square root of 14 end fraction space left parenthesis 3 space i with hat on top space plus space j with hat on top space plus space 2 space k with hat on top space right parenthesis

8. bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold equals bold space bold 4 bold space bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 3 bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold minus bold space bold k with bold hat on top અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold space bold equals bold space bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold 2 bold space bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space bold k with bold hat on top bold space થી રચાતા ત્રિકોણનું ક્ષેત્રફળ ........... એકમ.
  • 5 square root of 3
  • 10 square root of 3
  • fraction numerator 5 square root of 3 over denominator 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator square root of 3 over denominator 2 end fraction

9. bold vertical line bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold cross times bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold vertical line to the power of bold 2 bold space bold plus bold space bold vertical line bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold times bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold vertical line to the power of bold 2 bold space bold equals bold space bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold space bold. bold space
  • A2B2

  • AB

  • square root of AB
  • શૂન્ય 

10. bold vertical line bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold space bold plus bold space bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold thin space bold vertical line bold space bold equals bold space bold vertical line bold rightwards arrow for bold A of bold vertical line bold space bold equals bold space bold vertical line bold rightwards arrow for bold B of bold vertical line હોય, તો bold rightwards arrow for bold A of અને bold rightwards arrow for bold B ofવચ્ચેનો ખૂણો ......
  • 0 degree
  • 120 degree
  • 90 degree
  • 30 degree

