25 સે તાપમાને  અને 1.0 બાર દબાણે હાઇડ્રોજન અર્ધ-કોષનો ઑક્સિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ 0.118 V છે, તો તેના દ્વાવણની pOH કેટલી હશે ? from Chemistry રેડોક્ષ પ્રક્રિયા અને વિદ્યુતરસાયણ

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Gujarati JEE Chemistry : રેડોક્ષ પ્રક્રિયા અને વિદ્યુતરસાયણ

Multiple Choice Questions

61. 25degree સે તાપમાને bold Pt bold space bold vertical line bold space bold H subscript bold 2 bold left parenthesis bold g bold. bold 1 bold. bold 0 bold space bold બ ા ર bold right parenthesis end subscript bold thin space bold vertical line bold vertical line bold HCl subscript bold left parenthesis bold XM bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold vertical line bold space bold Cu subscript bold left parenthesis bold 0 bold. bold 01 bold space bold M bold right parenthesis end subscript superscript bold 2 bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Cu કોસઃઅનો પોટૅન્શિયલ 0.635 V છે, તો HCl ના દ્વાવણની pH કેટલી હશે ? bold left parenthesis bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Cu to the power of bold plus bold 2 end exponent bold vertical line bold Cu end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold 0 bold. bold 34 bold space bold V bold right parenthesis
  • 6.0

  • 4

  • 5.0

  • 2.0



298 K તાપમાને Pt | H2(g.1.0 બાર) | OH-(aq.pOH -10.5) || H(aq.pH - 2.0) | H2(g.1.0 બાર)  àª•à«‹àª·àª¨à«‹ પોટૅન્શિયલ કેટલો થાય ?


    0.05015 V


    0.0452 V


    0.0885 V


    0.5015 V

63. bold Pt bold space bold vertical line bold space bold H subscript bold 2 bold left parenthesis bold g bold. bold 1 bold. bold 0 bold space bold બ ા ર bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold HCl subscript bold left parenthesis bold XM bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold vertical line bold space bold Au to the power of bold 3 subscript bold left parenthesis bold 0 bold. bold 001 bold space bold M bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Au કોષનો પોટૅન્શિયલ 1.6655 V છે, તો HCl ના દ્વાવણની pH કેટલી હશે ? bold left parenthesis bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Au to the power of bold 3 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Au end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold 1 bold. bold 40 bold space bold V bold right parenthesis
  • 5.5

  • 4.83

  • 4.17

  • 3.5

એક વિદ્યુતરાસાયનિક કોષમાં થતી Kc = 1.3141 × 10307 M8 અને n= 6 છે. જો કૅથોડ વિદ્યુતધ્રુવનો પ્રમાણિત રિડક્શન પોટૅન્શિયલ1.36 V હોય, તો તે ઍનોડ વિદ્યુતધ્રુવનો પ્રમાણિત ઑક્સિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ કેટલો હશે ?
  • 3.16 V

  • 1.66 V

  • 2.71 V

  • 6.32 V

25degree સે તાપમાને  અને 1.0 બાર દબાણે હાઇડ્રોજન અર્ધ-કોષનો ઑક્સિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ 0.118 V છે, તો તેના દ્વાવણની pOH કેટલી હશે ?
  • 12

  • 3

  • 5

  • 2



25degree સે તાપમાને અને 1.0 બાર દબાણે હાઈડ્રોજન અર્ધકોષ માટે straight E subscript straight H squared divided by straight H to the power of plus end subscript (ઑસ્કિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ) = 0.059 cross times space pH

therefore space 0.118 space equals space 0.059 space cross times space pH

therefore space pH space space equals space fraction numerator 0.118 over denominator 0.059 end fraction space equals space 2 space

આથી pOH = 14 - pH = 14 - 2 = 12

25degree સે તાપમાને અને 1.0 બાર દબાણે હાઈડ્રોજન અર્ધકોષ માટે straight E subscript straight H squared divided by straight H to the power of plus end subscript (ઑસ્કિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ) = 0.059 cross times space pH

therefore space 0.118 space equals space 0.059 space cross times space pH

therefore space pH space space equals space fraction numerator 0.118 over denominator 0.059 end fraction space equals space 2 space

આથી pOH = 14 - pH = 14 - 2 = 12

25degree સે તાપમાને એક વિદ્યુતરાસાયનિક કોષનો પ્રમાણિત પોટૅન્શિયલ 3.16 V અને સંતુલન અચળાંક મૂલ્ય 1.727 ×10214 M-2 હોય, તો તે કોષમાં થતી પ્રક્રિયા માટે n જણાવો.
  • 4

  • 2

  • 3

  • 1

298 K તાપમાને bold Pt bold space bold vertical line bold space bold H subscript bold 2 bold left parenthesis bold g bold. bold 1 bold. bold 0 bold space bold બ ા ર bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold OH to the power of bold minus subscript bold left parenthesis bold aq bold. bold pH bold space bold minus bold space bold 4 bold. bold 5 bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold vertical line bold H subscript bold 2 bold left parenthesis bold g bold. bold 1 bold. bold 0 bold space bold બ ા ર bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Pt  બાર કોષનો પોટૅન્શિયલ કેટલા થાય ?
  • 0.205 V

  • 0.08 V

  • 0118 V

  • 0.124 V

68. Pt | H2(g.1.0 બાર) | H(aq. pH - 4) અર્ધ-કોષનો 25 degreeસે તાપમાન ઑક્સિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ કેટલો હશે ?
  • 0.236 V

  • -0.118 V

  • 0.649 V

  • 0.118 V



25degreeસે તાપમાને કઈ પ્રક્રિયા પૂરોગામી દિશામાં આપમેળે થશે ? bold Pt bold space bold vertical line bold space bold I subscript bold 2 bold left parenthesis bold s bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold I to the power of bold minus bold comma bold space bold Cu bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Cu to the power of bold 2 bold comma bold space bold Cr bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Cr to the power of bold 3 bold comma bold space bold Zn bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Zn to the power of bold 2 bold comma bold space bold Sn bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Sn to the power of bold 2 bold comma bold space bold Pb bold vertical line bold space bold Pb to the power of bold 2 bold comma bold space bold Ag bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Ag bold comma bold space bold Fe bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Fe to the power of bold 3 bold space àª¨àª¾ પ્રમાણિત ઑક્સિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ અનુક્રમે bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 54 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 34 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold 0 bold. bold 74 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold 0 bold. bold 76 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold 0 bold. bold 14 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold 0 bold. bold 13 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 80 bold space bold V bold comma bold space bold 0 bold. bold 37 bold space bold V  છે.


    3 Ag subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Fe cubed subscript left parenthesis aq. space 0.01 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 3 Ag subscript left parenthesis aq. space 0.1 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Fe subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript


    2 straight I to the power of minus subscript left parenthesis aq comma space 0.1 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Cu squared subscript left parenthesis aq space 0.5 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space straight I subscript 2 left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Cu subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript


    Pb squared subscript left parenthesis aq. space 0.02 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Sn subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space Pb subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Sn squared subscript left parenthesis aq space 0.1 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript


    આપેલ પૈકી એક પણ નહી 

70. 25degree સે તાપમાને bold Mg bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Mg to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold 0 bold. bold 01 bold space bold M bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold vertical line bold space bold HCl subscript bold left parenthesis bold XM bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold H subscript bold 2 bold left parenthesis bold g bold. bold 1 bold. bold 0 bold space bold બ ા ર bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Pt કોષનો પોટૅન્શિયલ 2.09 V છે, તો HCl ના દ્વાવણની pH કેટલી હશે ? bold left parenthesis bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Mg to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Mg end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 2 bold. bold 66 bold space bold V bold right parenthesis
  • 4.58

  • 5.58

  • 3.58

  • 6.58

