Important Questions of રાસાયણિક બંધન અને આણ્વિય રચના for NEET Chemistry | Zigya

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NEET Chemistry : રાસાયણિક બંધન અને આણ્વિય રચના

Multiple Choice Questions

151. નીચેના પૈકી કયો/કયા ઘટક પ્રતિચુંબકીય છે ?
  • C2

  • N2

  • O2

  • NO

152. નીચેના પૈકી શેમાં બંધક્રમાંક 3 નથી ?
  • NO

  • N2

  • O22

  • N

153. નીચેના પૈકી કયા ઘટક પ્રતિચુંબકીય છે ?
  • O2-2

  • O2

  • O2

  • NO

154. નીચેના પૈકી કયા ઘટક અનુચુંબકીય છે ?
  • O-2

  • CN-

  • NO

  • CO

155. નીચેના પૈકી કયો ઘટક પ્રતિચુંબકીય છે ?
  • H2

  • He2

  • H2-

  • H

156. નીચેના ઘટકો માટે બંધઊર્જાનો યોગ્ય ક્રમ દર્શાવો :
  • NO space greater than space NO space greater than space NO to the power of minus
  • NO space greater than space NO to the power of minus space greater than space NO
  • NO space greater than space NO to the power of minus space greater than space NO
  • NO to the power of minus space greater than space NO space greater than space NO

157. નીચેના પૈકી કયો અણુ અનુચુંબકીય છે ?
  • KO2

  • N2O

  • O2

  • Na2O2

158. નીચેના પૈકી કયો ઘટક અનુચુંબકીય નથી ?
  • NO2

  • NO

  • ClO-2

  • ClO2

159. શેમાં બંધક્રમાંક સમાન છે ?
  • NO, CN

  • O2, CN-

  • CN-, CN-

  • CN-, NO

160. straight N subscript 2 space rightwards arrow space straight N subscript 2 અને bold O subscript bold 2 bold space bold rightwards arrow bold space bold O subscript bold 2 બને ત્યારે અનુક્રમે શેમાંથી ઇલેક્ટ્રૉન દૂર થાય છે ?
  • bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અથવા bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis
  • bold left parenthesis bold pi bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અથવા bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis
  • bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અથવા bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis
  • bold left parenthesis bold sigma bold 2 bold p subscript z) અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis


bold left parenthesis bold sigma bold 2 bold p subscript z) અને bold left parenthesis bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold y અને bold pi bold asterisk times bold 2 bold p subscript bold x bold right parenthesis

straight N subscript 2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared છે. 

straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના 

left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis to the power of 1 છે. માટે N2 માં થી straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus બને ત્યારે (62p2) માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દુર થાય છે.

O2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis to the power of 1

O2+ ની ઈલેક્ટ્રૉન-રચના 
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz end subscript right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 0

માટે O2 માંથી O2+ બને ત્યારે left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis અથવા left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દૂર થાય છે.

straight N subscript 2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared છે. 

straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના 

left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis to the power of 1 છે. માટે N2 માં થી straight N subscript 2 to the power of plus બને ત્યારે (62p2) માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દુર થાય છે.

O2 ની ઈલેક્ટ્રોન-રચના
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py right parenthesis to the power of 1

O2+ ની ઈલેક્ટ્રૉન-રચના 
left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 1 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 straight s end subscript right parenthesis squared space left parenthesis straight sigma subscript 2 pz end subscript right parenthesis squared

equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis squared space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 1 space equals space left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis to the power of 0

માટે O2 માંથી O2+ બને ત્યારે left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2 py end subscript right parenthesis અથવા left parenthesis straight pi to the power of asterisk times subscript 2px end subscript right parenthesis માંથી ઈલેક્ટ્રોન દૂર થાય છે.
