25 àª¸à«‡ from Class Chemistry રેડોક્ષ પ્રક્રિયા અને વિદ્યુતરસાયણ

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NEET Chemistry : રેડોક્ષ પ્રક્રિયા અને વિદ્યુતરસાયણ

Multiple Choice Questions



Fe | Fe2 અને Fe2 | Feઅર્ધ કોષો માટે E0red અનુક્રમે -0.44 V અને +0.77 છે, તો Fe | Fe3 અર્ધ-કોષ માટે E0OX નું મૂલ્ય આપેલ મૂલ્યો માંથી કયું હશે ?


    0.33 V


    -0.33 V


    0.037 V


    -0.11 V



50degree àª¸à«‡ તાપમાને Ph | H2(g.1.0 બાર) | OH- àª…ર્ધ-કોષના E0OXનું મૂલ્ય +0.83 V હોય, તો 50degree àª¸à«‡ àª¤àª¾àªªàª®àª¾àª¨à«‡ પાણીના આયોનીય ગુણાકાર (KW)નું મૂલ્ય કેટલું થાય ?


    1.105 × 10-12


    1.0 × 10-14


    1.12 × 10-13


    1.102 × 10-12



bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Cu bold vertical line bold Cu to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 34 bold space bold V àª…ને bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Cu to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Cu to the power of bold plus end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold plus bold 0 bold. bold 16 bold space bold V àª¹à«‹àª¯, તો bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Cu bold vertical line bold Cu to the power of bold plus end subscript àª¨à«àª‚ મૂલ્ય કેટલું થાય ?


    -0.52 V


    +0.48 V


    -0.48 V


    -0.12 V

74. 298 K તાપમાને નીચે આપેલા વિદ્યુતરાસાયણિક કોષમાં થતી પ્રક્રિયા સંતુલન સ્થિતિમાં છે, તો કયો વિકલ્પ યોગ્ય છે ?
bold Zn bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Zn to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold XM bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold vertical line bold space bold Cu to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold yM bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Cu
  • straight E subscript Zn space vertical line Zn to the power of 2 plus end exponent subscript left parenthesis XM right parenthesis end subscript end subscript space plus space straight E subscript Cu to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line end subscript Cu space equals space 0.0 space straight V
  • straight E subscript Zn space vertical line space Zn to the power of 2 plus end exponent subscript left parenthesis XM right parenthesis end subscript end subscript space equals space minus straight E subscript Cu to the power of 2 plus end exponent subscript left parenthesis yM right parenthesis end subscript end subscript space vertical line space Cu
  • straight E subscript Zn space vertical line space Zn to the power of 2 plus end exponent subscript left parenthesis XM right parenthesis end subscript end subscript space equals space minus straight E subscript Cu to the power of 2 plus end exponent subscript blank end subscript space vertical line space Cu
  • આપેલ પૈકી કે પણ નહી 

Co | Co3, CO2 | Co3, Fe | Fe3, Fe2 | Fe3અર્ધ-કોષના પ્રમાણિત પ્રમાણિત ઑક્સિડેશન- પોટૅન્શિયલ અનુક્રમે -04167 V, -1.81 V, 0.0367 V, -0.77 V છે. તો Fe | Fe2 || Co2 | Coકોષનો પ્રમાણિત પોટૅન્શિયલ કેટલો થાય ?
  • 1.0 V

  • -0.11 V

  • 0.16 V

  • 0.72 V

1.0 × 10-3 M સાંદ્વતા ધરાવતા Fe3 ના દ્વાવણમાં વધુ પડતો પ્રવાહી પારો ઉમેરવામાં આવે છે. 25degree સે. તાપમાને 5% Feસંતુલન સમયે બાકી રહે છે. જો ફક્ત નીચે દર્શાવેલી પ્રક્રિયા જ શક્ય બનતી હોય, તો bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Hg to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Hg end subscriptની કિંમત કઈ હશે ? bold left parenthesis bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Fe to the power of bold 3 bold vertical line bold Fe to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold 0 bold. bold 77 bold space bold V bold right parenthesis
bold 2 bold Hg subscript bold left parenthesis bold 1 bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold plus bold space bold 2 bold Fe to the power of bold 3 subscript bold left parenthesis bold aq bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon bold space bold Hg subscript bold 2 to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold aq bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold plus bold space bold 2 bold Fe to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold aq bold right parenthesis end subscript
  • -0.643 V

  • -0.793 V

  • 0.793 V

  • 0.634 V

77. Fe | Fe2(0.1 M) || Cd2(0.5 M) | Cd વિદ્યુતરાસાયણિક કોષમાં 298 K તાપમાને સંતુલન સ્થપાય ત્યારે ઍનોડ અને કૅથોડના રિડક્શન પોટૅન્શિયલ મૂલ્યો કેટલાં હશે ? (n = 2) (bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Fe to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold space bold Fe end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 44 bold space bold V અને bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Cd to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold space bold vertical line bold space bold Cd end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 40 bold space bold V છે.)
  • -0.575 V

  • +0.477 V

  • -0.447 V

  • -0.477 V



25degree àª¸à«‡ તાપમાને bold Co subscript bold left parenthesis bold s bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold plus bold space bold Ni to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold aq bold space bold 0 bold. bold 1 bold space bold M bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon bold space bold Co to the power of bold 2 subscript bold left parenthesis bold aq bold space bold 0 bold. bold 01 bold space bold M bold right parenthesis end subscript bold space bold plus bold space bold Ni subscript bold left parenthesis bold s bold right parenthesis end subscript àªªà«àª°àª•à«àª°àª¿àª¯àª¾ સંતુલનમાં આવે, ત્યારે Ni2 ની સાંદ્વતામાં કેટલા ટકા ઘટાડો થયો હશે ? bold left parenthesis bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Co to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Co end subscript bold space bold vertical line bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 28 bold V bold space bold અન ે bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 23 bold space bold V bold right parenthesis 


    92.5  %


    97.28 %


    8.74 %


    92.2 %



97.28 %

25degree સે તાપમાને Co subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Ni subscript left parenthesis aq.0.1 straight M right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon with space space space space space space space space space space on top space Co subscript left parenthesis aq.0.01 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript space plus space space Ni subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript àªªàª•à«àª°àª¿àª¯àª¾ સંતુલનમાં આવે ત્યારે Ni subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript àª¨à«€ સાંદ્રતામાં કેટલા ટકા ઘટાડો થયો હશે?

straight E subscript Co to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Co end subscript superscript 0 space equals space minus 0.28 space straight V space space અન ે space straight E subscript Ni to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Ni end subscript superscript 0 space equals space minus 0.23 space straight V space

 straight E subscript cell superscript 0 space equals space straight E subscript Ni to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Ni end subscript superscript 0 space minus space straight E subscript Co to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Co end subscript superscript 0 space equals space minus 0.23 space space minus space left parenthesis negative 0.28 right parenthesis space equals space 0.05 space straight V space અન ે space straight n space equals space 2

log space Kc space equals space fraction numerator straight n space cross times space straight E subscript cell superscript 0 over denominator 0.059 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 2 space cross times 0.05 over denominator 0.059 end fraction space equals space 1.6949

Kc space equals space antilog space left parenthesis 1.6949 right parenthesis space equals space 49.5336

ધારો કે સંતુલન સ્થપાય ત્યારે Ni subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscriptની સાંદ્રતામાં cross times space straight M àª˜àªŸàª¾àª¡à«‹ થાય છે.

Co subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Ni subscript left parenthesis aq.0.1 straight M right parenthesis end subscript superscript space 2 plus end superscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon with space space space space space space space space space on top space Co subscript left parenthesis aq.0.01 straight M thin space right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript space plus space Ni subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript

શરૂઆતની સાંદ્રતા: 0.1 M   0.01

સંતુલને સાંદ્રતા: (0.1 - x) M (0.01 + x) M -

Kc space equals space fraction numerator 0.01 space plus space straight x over denominator 0.1 space minus space straight x end fraction space 49.5336 space equals space fraction numerator 0.01 over denominator 0.1 space minus space straight x end fraction space 4.95336 space minus space 49.5336 straight x space equals space 0.01 space plus space straight x space

50.5336 straight x space equals space 4.94336 straight x space equals space fraction numerator 4.94336 over denominator 50.5336 end fraction space straight x space equals space 0.09782 space straight M space


Ni subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript àª¨à«€ સાંદ્રતામાં થતો ઘટાડો equals space fraction numerator 100 space cross times space 0.09782 over denominator 0.1 end fraction space equals space 97.82 space percent sign

25degree સે તાપમાને Co subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Ni subscript left parenthesis aq.0.1 straight M right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon with space space space space space space space space space space on top space Co subscript left parenthesis aq.0.01 space straight M right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript space plus space space Ni subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript àªªàª•à«àª°àª¿àª¯àª¾ સંતુલનમાં આવે ત્યારે Ni subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript àª¨à«€ સાંદ્રતામાં કેટલા ટકા ઘટાડો થયો હશે?

straight E subscript Co to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Co end subscript superscript 0 space equals space minus 0.28 space straight V space space અન ે space straight E subscript Ni to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Ni end subscript superscript 0 space equals space minus 0.23 space straight V space

 straight E subscript cell superscript 0 space equals space straight E subscript Ni to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Ni end subscript superscript 0 space minus space straight E subscript Co to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Co end subscript superscript 0 space equals space minus 0.23 space space minus space left parenthesis negative 0.28 right parenthesis space equals space 0.05 space straight V space અન ે space straight n space equals space 2

log space Kc space equals space fraction numerator straight n space cross times space straight E subscript cell superscript 0 over denominator 0.059 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 2 space cross times 0.05 over denominator 0.059 end fraction space equals space 1.6949

Kc space equals space antilog space left parenthesis 1.6949 right parenthesis space equals space 49.5336

ધારો કે સંતુલન સ્થપાય ત્યારે Ni subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscriptની સાંદ્રતામાં cross times space straight M àª˜àªŸàª¾àª¡à«‹ થાય છે.

Co subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript space plus space Ni subscript left parenthesis aq.0.1 straight M right parenthesis end subscript superscript space 2 plus end superscript space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon with space space space space space space space space space on top space Co subscript left parenthesis aq.0.01 straight M thin space right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript space plus space Ni subscript left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end subscript

શરૂઆતની સાંદ્રતા: 0.1 M   0.01

સંતુલને સાંદ્રતા: (0.1 - x) M (0.01 + x) M -

Kc space equals space fraction numerator 0.01 space plus space straight x over denominator 0.1 space minus space straight x end fraction space 49.5336 space equals space fraction numerator 0.01 over denominator 0.1 space minus space straight x end fraction space 4.95336 space minus space 49.5336 straight x space equals space 0.01 space plus space straight x space

50.5336 straight x space equals space 4.94336 straight x space equals space fraction numerator 4.94336 over denominator 50.5336 end fraction space straight x space equals space 0.09782 space straight M space


Ni subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 2 plus end superscript àª¨à«€ સાંદ્રતામાં થતો ઘટાડો equals space fraction numerator 100 space cross times space 0.09782 over denominator 0.1 end fraction space equals space 97.82 space percent sign

25degree સે તાપમાને Sn | Sn2(0.1 M) || Pb2(0.5 M) | Pb વિદ્યુતરાસાયણિક કોષમાં સંતુલન સ્થપાય ત્યારે ડા.બા.ના અર્ધકોષનો ઑક્સિડેશન પોટૅન્શિયલ કેટલો હશે ? bold left parenthesis bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Sn to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Sn end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 14 bold V bold comma bold space bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Pb to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Pb end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 13 bold space bold V bold right parenthesis
  • 0.151 V

  • 0.114 V

  • 0.0 V

  • 0.128 V


298 K તાપમાને Co | Co2(1.0M) || Ni2(XM) | Ni કોષમાં થતી પ્રક્રિયા સંતુલનમાં છે, તો x = .......... . bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Co to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Co end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 28 bold space bold V bold space bold અન ે bold space bold E to the power of bold 0 subscript bold Ni to the power of bold 2 bold plus end exponent bold vertical line bold Ni end subscript bold space bold equals bold space bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 23 bold space bold V છે. (n = 2)

  • 0.5 M

  • 0.02 M

  • 1.02 M

  • 1.0 M
