Multiple Choice Questions


Chloramine-T is used as

  • antipyretic

  • analgesic

  • antiseptic

  • disinfectant



Chloramine-T is antiseptic. Chemically it is sodium salt of p-toluene sulphonamide.


Which set has different class of compounds?

  • Tranquillizers-Equanil, heroin, valium

  • Antiseptics-Bithional, dettol, boric acid

  • Analgesics-Naproxen, morphine, aspirin

  • Bactericidal-Penicillin, aminoglycosides, ofloxacin

Tincture of iodine is

  • solution of iodine in CCl4

  • solution of iodine in ethanol

  • KIO3

  • CHI3

Ethyl butyrate has the flavour of which fruit ?

  • Apple

  • Pineapple

  • Orange

  • Banana

Lemon gives sour taste because of

  • citric acid

  • tartaric acid

  • oxalic acid

  • acetic acid


Antipyretics are used to

  • relieve pain

  • bring down body temperature

  • to bill micro-organisms

  • to relieve from anxiety

Formalin is the commercial name of

  • formic acid

  • fluoroform

  • 40% aqueous solution of methanal

  • para formaldehyde

Glycerine is used as a preservative for fruits and eatable because

  • it makes them sweet

  • it acts as an insecticide

  • it keeps the food moist

  • All of the above

Chloramine-T is a

  • disinfectant

  • antiseptic

  • analgesic

  • antipyretics


Parkinson's disease is linked to abnormalities in the levels of dopamine in the body. The structure of dopamine is
