Multiple Choice Questions


Tincture of iodine is

  • aqueous solution of I2

  • solution of I2 in aqueous KI

  • alcoholic solution of I2

  • aqueous solution of KI


solution of I2 in aqueous KI

Tincture of iodine is an aqueous solution of I2 in KI. It is an antiseptic.


Which one of the following types of drugs reduces fever ?

  • Tranquiliser

  • Antibiotic

  • Antipyretic

  • Analgesic

Aspirin is prepared by the acetylation of salicylic acid with :

  • phenol

  • acetic anhydride

  • methyl acetate

  • chlorine

Which of the following is added to food for the flavour of meat ?

  • Sodium benzoate

  • Sodium lactate

  • Sodium citrate

  • Sodium glutamate

Bithional is an example of :

  • antiseptic

  • disinfectant

  • antibiotic

  • tranquiliser


Paracetamol is a/an :

  • antipyretic

  • analgesic

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • antimalarial

Soaps are :

  • Mg salts of lower fatty acids

  • Na salts of lower fatty acids

  • Na salts of higher fatty acids

  • None of the above

 the  given structural formula is of :

  • aspartame

  • cyclate

  • saccharin

  • valium

Among the following sweetner which one has the lowest sweetness value ?

  • Alitame

  • Aspartame

  • Saccharine

  • Sucralose


Which one of the following is not employed as antihistamine?

  • Dimetane

  • Chloramphenicol

  • Seldane

  • Both (a) and (b
