Multiple Choice Questions


X, the servant of Y, take a hundred rupeen note from Y’s pocket and hides it under the carpet in the house of Y. X tells Z another servant of Y, about the currency note and both agree to share the money when the currency note is taken by X from the hiding place. Before X could recover the note, it was found by Y. Decide if an offence was committed and if so who committed the offence ?

  • No offence was committed

  • Only X committed the offence

  • Both X and Z committed the offence

  • Both X and Z committed the offence


Only X committed the offence

Only X committed the offence of theft.



A puisne judge of a High Court is

  • a judge other than a Chief Justice

  • the Chief Justice

  • a temporary judge

  • a temporary judge


Which of he following has not been a women judge of the Supreme Court of India ,till 2009?

  • Justice Gyan Sudha Mishra

  • Justice Sujata Manohar

  • Justice Ruma Pal

  • Justice Ruma Pal


If Gajodhar Pharmaceuticals enter into an agreement with GMS wherein the former agrees to hire only the existing members of GMS as employees, then:

  • The agreement would be illegal as it would curtail the union members’ right to decide with whom they would like to associate.

  • Such an agreement would infringe the union’s right to decide with whom to associate and therefore is legally not enforceable.

  • The agreement would not be enforceable as it would infringe upon the employer’s right not to join an association.

  • The agreement would not be enforceable as it would infringe upon the employer’s right not to join an association.


In a civil suit ,the person who flies suit and the person against whom the suit is filed are called

  • accused,prosecutor 

  • immovable property 

  • appellant, respondent

  • appellant, respondent



In a criminal case,an accused person , who in consideration of his non-prosecution offers to give evidence against other accused , is called 

  • accomplice 

  • hostile witness

  • approver

  • approver


Scheduled Tribe status is

  • restricted to Hindus 

  • religiously neutral

  • restricted to Hindus and Christians 

  • restricted to Hindus and Christians 


Medical Science used for investigating crimes is known as

  • Criminal Medicine

  • Epistemological Science

  • Forensic science

  • Forensic science


X, a shopkeeper, leaves a sealed 5 kilogram bag

of a branded wheat flour at the door of Y with a

note “you will like this quality wheat flour and pay

Rupees 100 for this bag” without being asked to

do so. Y on coming back, collects the bag from

his door, opens the seal of the bag, and uses a

quarter of kilogram for making chapattis

(unleavened bread). But next day returns the bag.

Is he bound to pay for the bag ? 

  • not bound to pay as he did not ask the

    shopkeeper to deliver the bag

  • bound to pay as he has opened the bag

  •  bound to pay only for the quantity used

  •  bound to pay only for the quantity used



The President of India is elected by an electoral college consisting of

  • all the members of both the Houses of Parliament and all the members of all the Legislative Assembllies

  • all the elected members of both the House of Parliament and all the members of all the Legislative Assemblies

  • all the members of both the Houses of Parliament and all the elected members of all the Legislative Assemblies

  • all the members of both the Houses of Parliament and all the elected members of all the Legislative Assemblies

