Multiple Choice Questions


An old woman decided to divide her gold among her daughter and d aughters-in-law. She first kept exactly half of the gold for her daughter. Then she divided the rest of her gold among her daughters-in-law. The eldest one got 26 grams more than the youngest daughter-in-law. The middle one got wice as the youngest one. If the eldest daughter-in-law got 66 grams of gold, how much was recieved by the daughter.

  • 198 grams

  • 172 grams

  • 186 grams

  • 186 grams


186 grams



Four friends W, X, Y and Z are students of Class 10th. W and X are good in Hindi but poor in
English. W and Y are good in Science but poor in Mathematics. Y and Z are good in English but
poor in Social Studies. Z and X are good in Mathematics as well as in Science.
Which of the following statements is definitely true?

  • Y and Z are good in English as well as in Hindi

  • All four friends are good in Science

  • W is good in Social Studies, Hindi and Science

  • W is good in Social Studies, Hindi and Science


A and B are good in driving bus and car. C and A are good in driving car and scooter. C, D and E are good in driving scooter and tractor. E and C are good in driving scooter and auto rickshaw. D and B are good in driving bus and tractor.

Who is good in driving scooter, tractor and auto rickshaw but not good in driving car?

  • A

  • E

  • D

  • D


In a joint family, A, B, C, D, E, and F are the members. B is the son of C. A and C are husband and wife. C is not the mother of B. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A and F is the brother of B.

Who is the mother of B?

  • D

  • F

  • A

  • A


Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions.
Four friends W, X, Y and Z are students of Class 10th. W and X are good in Hindi but poor in
English. W and Y are good in Science but poor in Mathematics. Y and Z are good in English but
poor in Social Studies. Z and X are good in Mathematics as well as in Science.
Who amongst the following friends is not good in Mathematics but good in Hindi?

  • W

  • X

  • Y

  • Y



In a joint family, A, B, C, D, E, and F are the members. B is the son of C. A and C are husband and wife. C is not the mother of B. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A and F is the brother of B.
Which of the following is a pair of females in the family?

  • AE

  • AD

  • DF

  • DF


A and B are good in driving bus and car. C and A are good in driving car and scooter. C, D and E are good in driving scooter and tractor. E and C are good in driving scooter and auto rickshaw. D and B are good in driving bus and tractor.
Who is good in driving tractor, scooter, car and autorickshaw but not bus?

  • C

  • D

  • B

  • B


A and B are good in driving bus and car. C and A are good in driving car and scooter. C, D and E are good in driving scooter and tractor. E and C are good in driving scooter and auto rickshaw. D and B are good in driving bus and tractor.
Who is good in driving scooter, tractor and bus?

  • C

  • D

  • B

  • B


Four friends W, X, Y and Z are students of Class 10th. W and X are good in Hindi but poor in
English. W and Y are good in Science but poor in Mathematics. Y and Z are good in English but
poor in Social Studies. Z and X are good in Mathematics as well as in Science.
Which of the following pairs of friends are good, both in English and Science

  • W and Y

  • W and Z

  • Y and Z

  • Y and Z



Identify the statement which cannot be false.

  • Democracy is the best form of government.

  • Water evaporates at 100° C.

  • All radii of any given circle are of equal length

  • All radii of any given circle are of equal length

