Multiple Choice Questions


A farmer growing a particular variety of grape plants in vineyard, observes the following :

A. Fruit size normally remained small

B. Natural seed abortion

C. Development of fungal infection as the pedicels are small in size due to which moisture is retained in the bunches of grapes.

Experts suggested spaying gibberellic acid during the fruit development. This treatment would helping getting rid of

  • A, B and C

  • Only A and B

  • Only A and C  

  • Only B and C


Only A and C  

Spraying Gibberellic acid during the fruit development helps in getting rid of fruit size and development of fungal infection.


Microbes produce either primary or secondary metabolites during fermentation. A metabolite production curve is shown below:

The following statements refer to the above figure:

A. A primary metabolite has a production curve that lags behind the line showing cell growth.

B. A primary metabolite is produced after the Trophophase is completed.

C. A secondary metabolite is produced mainly during Idiophase.

D. The curve shows the production of Penicillin from mold.

Which of the above statements are correct?

  • A and B

  • C and D

  • A and C

  • B and D

The chlorosis (yellowing) symptom of iron deficiency is influenced by

  • Sodium and Potassium

  • Sodium and Phosphorus

  • Calcium and Nitrogen

  • Potassium and Phosphorus   

Shown above, is a graph representing the growth of different plant species subjected to salinity relative to that of unsalinized control. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  • Plants in group IA are extreme halophytes while sensitive and extreme halophytes will be part of group III.

  • Plants in group IA are very salt sensitive and extreme halophytes will be part of group III.  

  • Halophytes, which can tolerate salt but their growth is retarded will be part of group IB.

  • Non-halophytes, which are slat tolerant but lacks salt glands will be a part of group II.

In plants, the energy of sunlight is first absorbed by the pigments present in their leaf cells followed by the fixation of carbon through photosynthesis. Consider the following statements:

A. Chlorophylls a and b are abundant in green plants.

B. Chlorophylls c and d are found in some protists and cyanobacteria.

C. Out of different types of bacteriochlorophyll, type a is the most widely distributed.

D. Out of different types of bacteriochlorophyll, type b is the most widely distributed.

Which one of the following combination of above statements is correct?

  • A, B and C     

  • A, C and D

  • B, C and D

  • A, B and D


Three sunflower plants were placed in conditions as indicated below.

Plant A: still air

Plant B: moderately turbulent air

Plant C: still air in the dark

Which of the following statements is correct?

  • Transpiration rate of plant B > that of plant A    

  • Transpiration rate of plant A > that of plant B.

  • Transpiration rate of plant C – that of plant A.

  • Transpiration rate of plant C > that of plant A > that of plant B.

Plants have evolved with multiple photoreceptors, which can perceive specific wave-length of light. Which one of the following statements is correct about the photoreceptors?

  • Phytochrome A can perceive far red and blue light

  • Phytochrome C can perceive far red light.

  • Cryptochrome 1 and phytochrome B are responsible for perceiving blue light

  • Phytochrome B can predominantly perceive far red light.

Light is perceived by various photoreceptors in plants. The ohotoreceptors predominantly work at specific wavelengths of light. Some of the following statements are related to the functions of plant photoreceptors.

A. Phytochrome A predominantly perceives the red and far red lighy.

B. Phytochrome B predominantly perceives red light.

C. Cryptochromes regulate plant development.

D. Phototropins are involved in blue light perception and chloroplast movements.

Which one of the following combinations bases on above statements is correct?

  • A, B and C

  • B, C and D  

  • C, D and A

  • A, B and D

Which one of the following statements describes the process of phloem loading?

  • Triose phosphate is transported from the chloroplast to cytosol.

  • Sugars are transported into the sieve elements and companion cells.  

  • Sugars are transported from producing cells in the mesophyll to cells in the vicinity of the sieve elements.

  • Solutes are transported from roots to the shoots.


Photosystem II functions as a light-dependent water plastoquinone oxidoreductase. What are the names of two reaction center proteins that bind electron transfer prosthetic groups, such as P680, pheophytin and plastoquinone?

  • CP43 and CP47

  • D1 and D2        

  • 33kDa and 23 kDa

  • FA and FB
