Multiple Choice Questions


Lenticels are involved in

  • transpiration

  • gaseous exchange

  • food transport

  • photosynthesis


gaseous exchange

Plants have stomata and lenticles involved in gaseous exchange. In stems the living cells are organised in thin layers inside and beneath the bark. They have openings called lenticles.

Transpiration is the evaporative loss of water by plants. It occurs mainly through stomata in leaves.

Food transport occurs by the vascular tissue phloem from a source to a sink.

Photosynthesis is a physico-chemical process by which they use light energy to derive re- synthesis of organic compounds.


Portion of apical meristem that gives xylem tissue is called

  • protoxylem

  • procambium

  • metaxylem

  • tracheid

In the following pairs, where do you get lignin in both the element?

  • Tracheid and collenchyma

  • Sclerenchyma and sieve tube

  • Sclerenchyma and trachea

  • Parenchyma and endodermis

Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of

  • medullary rays

  • xylem parenchyma

  • endodermis

  • pericycle

Interfascicular cambium is a

  • primary meristematic tissue

  • primordial meristem

  • type of protoderm

  • secondary meristematic tissue


Pith is absent in

  • protostele

  • eustele

  • amphiphloic stele

  • ectophloic stele

Medullary rays are tissues made up of

  • phloem parenchyma

  • xylem parenchyma

  • sieve tube

  • sclerenchyma

One of the characteristic of sieve tube is

  • it is a part of phloem

  • function is transport of inorganic solutes

  • it is dead cell

  • sieve plate is not present

Age of a tree can be estimated by

  • its height and girth

  • biomass

  • number of annual rings

  • diameter of its heartwood


Quiescent centre is found in plants at

  • root tip

  • cambium

  • shoot tip

  • leaf tip
