Multiple Choice Questions


Moulting hormone is secreted by

  • corpora cardacum

  • corpora allata

  • neurosecretory hormone

  • prothoracic gland


prothoracic gland

Prothoracic gland is also known as moult gland in some arthropods and Y organ or ventral gland in crustaceans. It secretes moulting hormone called ecdysone or ecdysome, which is steroid and stimulates moulting or ecdysis during metamorphosis in insects.


In Mollusca, eye is present over a stalk, called

  • ostracum

  • operculum

  • ommatophores

  • osphradium

Connecting link between annelids and molluscs is

  • Neopilina

  • Peripatus

  • Periplaneta

  • Limulus

The intermediate host of Schistosoma is

  • Snail

  • mosquito

  • housefly

  • sheep

Shell of molluscs is derived from

  • foot

  • mantle

  • ctenidia

  • placoid


The excretory material of bony fish is

  • urea

  • protein

  • ammonia

  • amino acid

The characteristic larva of Phylum- 'Coelenterata' is

  • planula

  • cysticercus

  • rhabdiform

  • wriggler

In sea anemone, the symmetry is

  • radial

  • bilateral

  • spherical

  • absent

Tuberllarians are free living

  • nematodes

  • cestodes

  • flat worms

  • trematodes


Solenocytes are associated with

  • respiration

  • digestion

  • excretion

  • nutrition
