Multiple Choice Questions


Ornithorhynchus is an example of

  • dinosaur

  • monotreme mammal

  • marsupial mammal

  • eutherian mammal


monotreme mammal

Ornitlwrhyncus anatinus (Duckbilled platypus) is a monotreme mammal, which belongs to sub-class-Prototheria (primitive egg laying mammals), order-Monotremata (living prototherians).


'Water vascular' system is found in

  • sea-anemone

  • sea-pen

  • sea-cucumber

  • sea-horse

Which of the following animal belongs to class-Crustacea?

  • Cockroach

  • Cyclops

  • Grasshopper

  • Mosquito

'Organ of Jacobson' helps in

  • touch

  • vision

  • smell

  • hear

Radula is found in

  • Pila sp.

  • Chiton sp.

  • Lamellidens sp.

  • Pinctada sp.


Cysticercus stage is formed in

  • Taenia

  • Plasmodium

  • Leishmania

  • Wuchereria

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

  • Sycon - Canal system

  • Star fish - Radial symmetry

  • Ascaris - Flame cell

  • Prawn - Haemocoel

Which of the following is a catadromous fish?

  • Hilsa sp.

  • Mystus sp.

  • Anguilla sp.

  • Channa sp.

Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in

  • Hemichordata

  • Cephalochordata

  • Urochordata

  • Vertebrata


the scientific name of Asian Tiger Mosquito

  • Aedes aegypti

  • Aedes albopictus

  • Aedes taeniorhynchus

  • Aedes albolineatus
