Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following group of animals is homeothermic?

  • Reptiles

  • Amphibians

  • Birds

  • Fishes



Birds, humans and other mammals can maintain their body temperature irrespective of external temperature variation, i.e. they are warm blooded (homeothermic) animals. While, all reptiles, insects, amphibians and fishes are cold-blooded (poikilothermic) animals. These animals cannot control their body temperature, i.e. their body temperature varies considerably.


Bioluminescence is a characteristic feature of

  • Diatoms

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Slime moulds

  • Euglenoid

The largest type of nematocysts in Hydra is

  • Holotrichous isorhizas

  • Atrichous isorhizas

  • Desmonemes

  • Stenoteles

Receptacle of antheridiophore and archegoniophore of Marchantia respectively are

  • 8 lobed, 9 rays

  • 6 lobed, 4 rays

  • 9 lobed, 5 rays

  • 2 lobed, 6 rays

Antelope cervicapra is

  • a mammal

  • commonly known as black back

  • an animal under data deficient category of wildlife

  • a threatened Indian wildlife


Select the mismatch from those given below.

  • Noctiluca bioluminescence

  • Gonyaulax catenella saxitoxin

  • Pyrodinum red tide

  • Ceratium-zygotic meiosis

Which of the following represents the class of Tubifex?

  • Echiurida

  • Archiannetida

  • Hirudinea

  • Oligochaeta

Which one of the following matching pairs is incorrect?

  • Mollusca - Pseudocoel

  • Cnidaria - Nematocyst

  • Annelida - Chloragogen cells

  • Echinodermata - Water vascular system 

Which one of the following matching pairs is incorrect?

  • Shell fish - Pisces

  • Silver fish - Arthropoda

  • Cuttle fish - Mollusca

  • Star fish - Echinodermata


Which one of the followings is not a characteristic feature of mammals?

  • Diphyodont tooth

  • Ten pairs of cranial nerves

  • Seven cervical vertebrae

  • Left aortic arch in the circulatory system
