Multiple Choice Questions


Intermediate community between pioneer and climax communities is called

  • Seral community

  • Biotic community

  • Temporary community

  • Ecosphere


Seral community

The first biotic community which develops in a bare area is called the pioneer community. The climax community is the stable, self-perpetuating and final biotic community that develops at the end of biotic succession. The various biotic communities that develop during biotic succession are termed as seral or transitional communities.


Animals undergoes inactive stage during winter, is known as

  • aestivation

  • hibernation

  • adaptation

  • acclimatization

The taxonomic key is one of the taxonomic tools in the identification and classification of plants and animals. It is used in the preparation of 

  • Monographs

  • Flora

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • None of these

Select the incorrect statement.

  • Stellar’s sea cow and passenger pigeon got extinct due to over exploitation by men

  • The mitotic convention on biological diversity was held in 1992

  • Species diversity increase as we move away from the equator towards the poles

  • Lantana and Eichhomia are invasive weed species in India

 Largest tiger population is found in

  • Sunderban national park

  • Corbett national park

  • Ranthambhore national park

  • Kanha national park


Newly formed Biosphere Reserve of India (2013) is

  • Pachmarhi

  • Himalaya

  • Cold desert

  • Panna

The region of Biosphere Reserve which is legally protected and where no human activity is allowed is known as

  • Core zone

  • Buffer zone

  • Transition zone

  • Transition zone


All of the following are included in ‘ex-situ conservation’ except

  • Wildlife safari parks

  • Sacred groves

  • Seed banks

  • Botanical gardens

Core zone, buffer zone and manipulation zone. are found in

  • National park

  • Sanctuary

  • Tiger reserve

  • Biosphere reserve


Which one of the following is related to Ex-situ conservation of threatened animals and plants?

  • Wildlife Safari parks

  • Biodiversity hot spots

  • Amazon rainforest

  • Amazon rainforest

