Multiple Choice Questions


According to IUCN red list what is the status of red Panda (Athurus fulgens)?

  • Vulnerable species

  • Critically endangered species

  • Extinct species

  • Endangered species


Endangered species

Approxiamately 300 species and sub- species of mammals are considered as endangered by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources). Red Panda is one of the endangered species as it is on the verge of extinction in coming future.


Biological concept of species is mainly based on

  • reproductive isolation

  • morphological features only

  • methods of reproduction only

  • morphology and methods of reproduction

The plant that is characteristics component of mangrove vegetation

  • Rhizophora mangel

  • Ficus religiosa

  • Mangifera indica

  • Prosopis specigera

The species, which is going to become extinct due to lack of proper care would be called

  • rare

  • endangered

  • vulnerable

  • extinct

What is the main cause for the extinction of some species in tropical forest?

  • Deforestation

  • Afforestation

  • Pollution

  • Soil erosion


Animals have the innate ability to escape from predation. Examples for the same are given below. Select the incorrect example

  • enlargement of body size by swallowing air in puffer fish

  • melanism in moths

  • poison fangs in snakes

  • colour change in chameleon

Biodiversity act of India was passed by the Parliament in the year

  • 1996

  • 1992

  • 2002

  • 2000

Decomposers are

  • autotrophs

  • autoheterotrophs

  • organotrophs

  • heterotrophs

Species can be identified on the basis of

  • interbreed

  • species diversity

  • reproductive isolation

  • None of the above


One of the following statements is incorrect with reference to biodiversity. Identify it.

  • The areas with very few plant and animal species (low species richness) with no threatened species are called biodiversity hotspots.

  • Biodiversity increases from higher altitudes to lower altitudes

  • Biodiversity decreases from the equator to polar regions

  • Depletion in genetic diversity of crop plants is mainly due to the introduction of better varieties with high yield, disease resistance, etc.
