Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following statements about mycoplasma is wrong?

  • They are also called PPLO

  • They are pleomorphic

  • They are sensitive to pencillin

  • They are sensitive to pencillin


They are sensitive to pencillin

Penicillin acts on cell wall and mycoplasma lacks cell wall.



What is common about Trypanosoma, Noctiluca, Monocystis and Giardia?

  • These are all unicellular protists

  • They have flagella

  • They produce spores

  • They produce spores


Diatomaceous earth is obtained from

  • Bacillarophyceae

  • Xanthophyceae

  • Rhodophyceae

  • Chrysophyceae

Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in

  • using flagella for locomotion

  • having a contractile vacuole for removing excess water

  • having two types of nuclei

  • using pseudopodia for capturing prey

Thermococcus, Methanococcus and Methanobacterium are groups of

  • Bacteria containing a cytoskeleton and all membrane-bound organelles

  • Archaebacteria with peptidoglycan in their cell wall

  • Archaebacteria that consists of protein homologous to eukaryotic core histones

  • Most advanced type of bacteria


Viroids differ from viruses in having :

  • DNA molecules with protein coat

  • DNA molecules without protein coat

  • RNA molecules with protein coat

  • RNA molecules with protein coat


Which of the following organisms are known as chief producers in the oceans?

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Diatoms

  • Euglenoids

  • Cyanobacteria

 Match the following with correct combination.

Column I Column II
A. Cuscuta 1. Saprophyte
B. Eichhornia 2. Pneumatophare
C. Monotropa 3. Insectivorous plant
D. Rhizophora 4. Parasite
E. Utricularia 5. Root pocket

  • A
    B C D E
    3 1 5 4 2
  • A B C D E
    2 3 1 5 4
  • A B C D E
    4 3 1 5 2
  • A B C D E
    4 5 1 2 3

Which of the following are found in extreme saline

  • Archaebacteria

  • Eubacteria

  • Cyanobacteria

  • Cyanobacteria



Which of the following environmental conditions are essential for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of bread?
A. Temperature of about 25°C
B. Temperature of about 5°C
C. Relative humidity of about 5%
D. Relative humidity of about 95%
E. A shady place
F. A brightly illuminated place

Choose the answer from the following options

  • A, C and E only

  • A, D and E only

  • B, D and E only

  • B, D and E only

