Multiple Choice Questions


Most primitive member, in which roots are not present, is

  • Psilotum

  • Rhynia

  • Lycopodium

  • Selaginella



Psilophytes are the oldest of seedless vascular plants. They are characterised by the absence of roots and presence of rhizoids, egRhynia- primitive member of Pteridophytes.

Lycopodium and Selaginella are developed pteridophytes in which plant body is differentiated into roots, stems and leaves.


The process which cannot take place in the absence of viruses is

  • transformation

  • conjugation

  • translocation

  • transduction

Polyp phase is absent in

  • Hydra

  • Aurelia

  • Physalia

  • Obelia

Which part of an animal virus is not reproduced in multiple copies?

  • Capsid

  • Protein

  • Envelope

  • Ribosome

Contractile vacuole in protozoan Amoeba is meant for

  • respiration

  • excretion

  • locomotion

  • osmoregulation


Thigmotaxis is not shown by

  • Paramecium

  • Amoeba

  • Ascaris

  • Hydra

Edible part of mushroom is

  • basidiocarp

  • secondary mycelium

  • primary mycelium

  • tertiary mycelium

Entamoeba histolytica differs from Amoeba in absence of 

  • pseudopodia

  • contractile vacuole

  • nucleus

  • ectoplasm

Nucleic acid is absent in

  • Virus

  • Viroid

  • Prion

  • Mycoplasma


In Whittaker's system of classification, prokaryotes belong to the kingdom

  • Monera

  • Protista

  • Animalia

  • Fungi
