Multiple Choice Questions


Which are sensitive to SO2 pollution?

  • Mosses

  • Algae

  • Lichen

  • Ferns



Lichens are sensitive to SO2 environment. They can not grow in sulphur dioxide pollutated area. So, lichens are called pollution indicating plants.

Mosses are sensitive to acidity and Nitrogen.

Algae are sensitive to some pollutants. Their metabolism is sensitive to the variation of environmental and natural disturbances.


The first phylogenetic system of plant classification was proposed by

  • Engler

  • Engler and Prantl

  • Eichler

  • Wetlstein

Blue- green algae is found in

  • Cycas

  • Pinus

  • Scales of Marchantia

  • Riccia

Which of the following is an edible fungus?

  • Agaricus

  • Albugo

  • Rhizopus

  • Puccinia

Black rust of wheat is a fungal disease caused by

  • Melampsora lini

  • Claviceps Purpurea

  • Albugo candida

  • Puccinia graemzinis tritici


Yeast belongs to which class

  • Basidiomycetes

  • Eumycetes

  • Ascomycetes

  • None of these

In Spirogyra sometimes a ladder like structure  is present due to

  • vegetative reproduction

  • asexual reproduction

  • lateral conjugation

  • scalariform conjugation

The part of mushroom comes out from soil is called

  • basidiocarp

  • ascogonium

  • ascocarp

  • pericarp

In which genera endospores are formed for reproduction

  • Monococcus and Clostridium

  • Bacillus and Clostridium

  • Mucor and Bacillus

  • None ofthe above


In Pteridium meiosis takes place at the time of

  • spore formation

  • organ formation in prothallus

  • spore germination

  • gamete formation
